Monday, March 21, 2022

Just Ducky

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I've got a springy layout for today.

These pics are from April of 2019 I believe.  Our next door neighbors in North Carolina had hatched some duck eggs and then the ducks just stuck around after they were grown up (there was a long, skinny pond stretching the length of our block behind our houses, so I imagine that was a nice place to live for some semi-tame ducks) so we used to have fun feeding them occasionally.  Ryan fed them frozen corn often enough that they'd come waddling in our direction anytime he came out of the house :) 

For the layout, I was quite pleased to find a stripey pattern that pretty closely matched the shirt Ryan was wearing in the pictures.  Score one for my ridiculously enormous collection of patterned paper!

Today's color palette:  So Saffron, Rose Red, Bashful Blue, Brilliant Blue, Certainly Celery, and Whisper White.

Have a great week, ducklings!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Layered Letters Alphabet, Calendar Alphabet & Numbers, Beyond the Basics
Ink:  Brilliant Blue, Certainly Celery, So Saffron, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  So Saffron, Brilliant Blue, Certainly Celery, Thick Whisper White, Cutie Pie DSP
Accessories:  None

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