Thursday, March 17, 2022

Stamped Tulips

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, peeps!  Got your green on?  I mentioned yesterday that I made two cards for the Global Design Project sketch; I had to keep this one for today so it wouldn't get pinched:

I adore Just Jade, don't you?  It's retiring soon and I'm already sad about it.  Today's color combination is courtesy of the Inspire. Create challenge:

And here's the Global Design Project sketch once again:

Okay, now I've got to call someone on the phone and make an appointment for Ryan (I *haaaaate* calling people on the phone, and to add to the difficulty I don't speak German...) and then I'm going to go do something fun.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Flowering Tulips
Ink:  Just Jade, Misty Moonlight, Crushed Curry, Magenta Madness
Paper:  Just Jade, Thick Basic White, Misty Moonlight DSP
Accessories:  Tulips dies, Dimensionals

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