Monday, March 28, 2022

The Biltmore

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  We went on a little trip this weekend to Cologne and Koblenz and I have a funny story to share :)  We had lunch in Koblenz yesterday and I went to the bathroom before we left.  I know you've seen public restrooms where the sink is motion-activated, but have you ever seen a sink like that where it's got the hand dryers on it too?  Like, the faucet sticks straight out over the sink and it's got these two wands on the sides sticking out like airplane wings.  Every sink has its own hand dryer, which sounds great on paper, but...I kept activating the hand dryer by accident while I was trying to wash off my hands.  Multiple times.  AND the sink didn't drain properly either, so the hand dryer sprayed water all over!  Happily (for me, at least) the hand dryers were angled in such a way that all the water got sprayed all over the mirror instead of me.  There were three little girls in the bathroom washing their hands at the same time and the looks on their faces were just priceless.  I got back to our table and laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face and couldn't hardly even talk to tell the hubs and the spawn why I was laughing.

Anyway, today I have scrapbook layouts from another road trip, this one to the Biltmore outside of Asheville, North Carolina.

Aww, teensy weensy little Ryan!  He was just two and a half in these pictures and now he's FIVE.  Anyway, it was pretty hot the day we were at the Biltmore, which is one reason why I chose the deep orange Dusty Durango page base.  I paired it with the Country Club Simply Scrappin' Kit from ages ago.

The peacock feather pattern is also part of the same kit.  I used the Mosaic Madness stamp set and coordinating punch for page accents.

Today's color palette:  Dusty Durango, Cajun Craze, Not Quite Navy, So Saffron, and Whisper White.  I love Dusty Durango and Cajun Craze together :)

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Empire Alphabet Upper, Broadsheet Accents, Mosaic Madness
Ink:  Not Quite Navy
Paper:  Dusty Durango, Not Quite Navy, Cajun Craze, Thick Basic White, Country Club SSK
Accessories:  Mosaic punch, 1 1/2" circle punch

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