Thursday, July 7, 2022

Sending a Sunflower

Mornin' y'all.  We got back late Tuesday from a trip to the Côte d'Azur (Nice, Monaco, and Provence) and yesterday I was just too tired to work on a blog post.  But I did get a couple of things done in my craft room so I have a card to share today.

This is the maiden voyage for both Celebrate Sunflowers and Sending Smiles.  I got Celebrate Sunflowers a few months ago when it was one of the bundles on sale for a short time, and I got Sending Smiles on my most recent order after seeing so many pretty cards made by the Paper Players design team.  The Hardwood background stamp is older and retired : )

For this card, I started with the Global Design Project sketch:

And I paired it with the Color Throwdown:

I used Blends to color in my sunflower with dark So Saffron (to look like Crushed Curry), light and dark Pumpkin Pie, and light and dark Crumb Cake, with Early Espresso to ink up the image.  The sunflower popped into my head as soon as I saw these colors and I thought the GDP sketch was perfect to showcase it.  Love it when things come together!

I'm off to do laundry and other fun stuff.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Celebrate Sunflowers, Sending Smiles, Hardwood
Ink:  Early Espresso, Crumb Cake, Stampin' Blends in So Saffron, Crushed Curry, Crumb Cake, Old Olive
Paper:  Crumb Cake, Early Espresso, Thick Basic White
Accessories:  Sunflower dies, Sending dies, Mini Dimensionals, retired Glitter Enamel Dots

1 comment:

  1. Love your beautiful sunflower against the woodgrain BG! Thanks for joining us at CTD this week!
