Monday, August 1, 2022

August 2019

Scrappy Monday, y'all.  The hubs and kid are back to their regularly scheduled activities today and it's my last day of Covid quarantine, which I plan to spend resting (have I done anything else for the last five days?  Nope!).  I no longer feel like I was hit by a train, but I'm still tired.  My nap game has been strong the last several days.

Anyway, enough about that.  Today is August 1 and that means Ryan is starting school THIS MONTH!  I don't think he's excited about it, but that's because the poor kid doesn't deal well with change.  He had to go to a different classroom today at daycare and flipped his little lid, poor dude.  But for today's Scrappy Monday layout, let's take a look back to when Ryan was just two:

That's my cutie pie.  This is another one of my monthly catch-all layouts, random snapshots gathered together on one layout.  This time I put numbers on the pictures and then wrote about each one on the journaling.  I like these types of layouts because otherwise I wouldn't have recorded things like how Ryan liked to ride the elevator at the Y but he'd lay down on the floor to feel the vibrations as the elevator moved, or how he thought his Lightning McQueen light-up shoes made him run faster.

Today's color palette:  Pool Party, Calypso Coral, Real Red, So Saffron, Basic Gray, and Whisper White.  It was taken directly from the I Am Me DSP that I used as accents, I thought it worked really well with the pictures.

Aaaand now I think it's time to take a nap on the couch.  Maybe later I'll head up to my craft room, if I can be vertical for longer than an hour at a time...Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Pun Intended, My Paper Pumpkin, Calendar Alphabet & Numbers
Ink:  Real Red, Calypso Coral, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  Pool Party, Basic Gray, So Saffron, Real Red, Calypso Coral, Whisper White, I Am Me DSP
Accessories:  Hippo & Friends dies, 1/2" circle punch

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