Friday, August 5, 2022

Sketchy Ducks

Mornin' y'all and happy Friday!  I'm finally starting to feel like I'm kicking the Covid crud...I was still super tired yesterday but I decided to ignore it and get stuff done anyway.  That sort of worked?  I did six and a half loads of laundry and put the clothes up, plus I managed not to take a nap, and I'm feeling better today.  So yeah, we'll call that a success.  I even spent some time in my craft room.

How about some manly ducks?  The duck image is from the Sale-a-Bration set Stylish Sketches and I really thought I'd use the fox first, but the ducks worked better for my two challenges today.  First up is this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

And next is the Color Throwdown, you know how I like to combine those two challenges:

I used Mossy Meadow, Early Espresso, Memento Tuxedo Black, and white, plus some Soft Suede because apparently there weren't enough neutrals for me : p  I stamped the image with Memento Tuxedo Black ink and then gave it a very quick watercolor with the other shades of ink, keeping it loose and quick to go with the style of the artwork.  This card came together very quickly and now I have a manly card, should I need it.  Always a good thing!

Got some work to do, so I'm off.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Stylish Sketches, Simply Succulents
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Mossy Meadow, Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Cajun Craze
Paper:  Mossy Meadow, Basic Black, Soft Suede, Thick Basic White, He's the Man DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Potted Succulents dies, Dimensionals, Rustic Metallic adhesive dots


  1. Fabulous card using both the colors and the sketch! Thanks so much for joining us at CTD!

  2. Perfect masculine card! Love the ducks, the DSP and the earthy color palette!!! Hope you continue to feel better and better with each new day!

  3. I all of the neutrals! Fabulous with the ducks and that background of plaids and a bit of splatter! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  4. Oh my gosh, I think this is just wonderful...what a great masculine card and the sketch and colors are perfect. Glad you're feeling better!
