Thursday, December 8, 2022

Holiday Dinosaur

Y'ALL.  I don't know the last time I was this tickled about a card I made.

I'm just gonna let it speak for itself.

Bet you've never seen a Hanukkah dinosaur, have you?  Bwahahahaaaaa!  My friend Krissy *loves* dinosaurs, and she posted on Facebook a while back about looking for a stegosaurus menorah.  And a little while later, my little brain thought hey, I have stegosaurus stamps...and a menorah stamp.  I wonder how they line up size-wise.  And then it was just a matter of time before I made one in paper!  I'm pretty tickled with how it turned out, though fussy-cutting those bitty candles was a job of work.  I used the great sketch from Try Stampin' on Tuesday:

I chose Starry Sky for my main color, with Tahitian Tide and Mango Melody for the candles and Smoky Slate for a good neutral behind Mr. Stego.  My husband called on the phone while I was fussy-cutting the last couple of candles and I was positively cackling.  I've got to get this in the mail PDQ, because Krissy is going to love it!

Hope you have a great day, peeps.  I'm off to search for Ryan's missing library books.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Jewish Celebrations, No Bones About It
Ink:  Starry Sky, Tahitian Tide, Mango Melody
Paper:  Smoky Slate, Thick Basic White, Starry Sky & Smoky Slate DSP
Accessories:  Stitched Rectangles dies, Stylish Shapes dies, Dimensionals


  1. This tickled me too Christy - so creative, I love it!

  2. Bwahahaha! LOVE this, Christy - brilliant! Such a playful take, and I love the plaid for it, too! Thanks so much for playing at Try Stampin' on Tuesday!

  3. What a super fun menorah. It's definitely unique. Good job with the fussy cutting of the candles. So clever and creative of you. Thanks for joining us at Try Stampin' On Tuesday.

    sue n.
