Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Mango Card-Again

Hey y'all!  I managed to sneak some time in my craft room yesterday while Ryan was playing video games.  I really miss playing with paper and ink when I don't get to do it on the regular!  So here's a new card for today:

I bought Forever Friendship from the holiday catalog on a bit of a whim and this is the first time I've used it.  I think the Knit Together background stamp was made to be used with the cardigan stamp, am I right?  Oh, I've had Knit Together for at least a year and I hadn't used it either, oops.  Guess that means I need to stamp more often.

I used this week's sketch from Global Design Project:

And the bonus inspiration challenge from As You See It:

Great inspo pic!  I could have gone with the violin as inspiration, or the flowers, or the oranges, but I decided to take the colors and warm, cozy feel for my card.  I used Mango Melody, Soft Suede, Garden Green, and Early Espresso for my colors.  My (now retired) Mango Melody Blends are getting a bit dried out, bummer.

That's it for me today.  I'm off to do my French lesson and then try to vacuum the living room and clean the kitchen.  Ryan and I are making cookies for Santa sometime this week...on second thought maybe I should wait and clean up the kitchen *after* that adventure.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Forever Friendship, Knit Together
Ink:  Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Mango Melody Blends
Paper:  Mango Melody, Soft Suede, Thick Basic White, Garden Green DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Stitched Rectangles dies, Seasonal Sequins, Dimensionals


  1. Beautiful choices, Christy! I love your take on our inspiration - and so glad you got to ink up your sets finally! Knit together MUST have been made for Forever Friendship - I'm still tempted by that one, too, lol. Thanks so much for playing at As You See It!

  2. What a lovely card! I didn't get the Knit Together background stamp and have regularly regretted it. It's a perfect companion to the cardie. Picking out the rich colours from the inspiration was a good idea - this is a card that begs to be cuddled! Thanks for playing along with us at As You See It Challenge.

  3. Christy, you nailed the colours from the Inspiration photo and of course, what could be cozier than a warm sweater? I love the pun in the sentiment, and as an amateur diagnostician, I do recommend that you stamp more often, so you can use your stamp sets more than once a year! (I have the same problem!) Thanks for playing our Bonus Holiday Challenge at As You See It!
