Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Stamp a Stack o' Snowflakes

It is past 8 in the morning but it's very dark outside still--we have an 80% chance of snow today so I'm glad that I'm not planning to go anywhere!  Today's plans include getting boxes ready to ship (I'm going to the post office first thing tomorrow morning), finishing up wrapping presents, and trying to eke out some time in my craft room while I do laundry.  I know I won't have much craft room time after this week when Ryan is off school, so I'm going to try to use my time wisely today.

Anyway, since I haven't had any stamping time yet this week, I don't have anything done for current challenges.  But a couple of weeks ago, I had the personal challenge of making cards for my husband's work.

I made over 60 of these IN ONE DAY and Ryan helped put the rhinestones on.  For the second year in a row, the hubs has asked for cards at pretty much the eleventh hour, so I couldn't do them all one color--I did about a third each on Soft Sea Foam, Pool Party, and Balmy Blue, and then I ordered cardstock to replace what I used ;)  The inside is stamped with "from our home to yours" and lookit that, I didn't use the merry little Christmas stamp from Framed & Festive this time!  Mostly because we were going for festive holiday cards but not Christmas-specific here.

Update:  I just peeked outside and it is, indeed, snowing right now.  And we should stay below freezing for the next few days, so there might possibly be sledding in our future.  But for now I think it's time to make some tea.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Serene Snowflakes, Framed & Festive
Ink:  Balmy Blue, Blueberry Bushel, Pool Party, Pacific Point
Paper:  Soft Sea Foam, Pool Party, Balmy Blue
Accessories:  rhinestones


  1. Love your CAS snowflake cards Christy - 60 in one day, wowsa that is a production line lol!! Hope you get enough snow for sledding; I'm guessing you too are experiencing the arctic weather that we have here in the UK at the moment - it is bitter! We had a little snow in the early hours of Monday morning - enough for snowballs but not enough for sledding! The kids are hoping for more at the weekend before the temps rise again - fingers crossed!

  2. This is perfect! And so pretty!
