Monday, February 20, 2023

Paris (Invasion)

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I have two layouts to share today, from back in 2013.  Hubs and I were living in England at the time, and my whole side of the family came out to visit, so we spent time in Paris, at our house in England, and then London, and I jokingly called that "the Invasion" and it stuck.  So here's the first Invasion layout:

You see that big flower that kinda looks like a dot on the I in Paris?  It's actually covering up a giant ink smudge that I got on there after I had finished doing all the stamping and most of the coloring on the image.  I just really didn't want to redo the whole thing, so that was my fix to cover it up.

If you're wondering about the pics on the bottom of the right page, my mom's name is Nina so she liked that restaurant's name, and my dad's name is Richard, so they had to take a picture of the saucer at breakfast one day.  And there's also a picture of my dad arguing over a map with the hubs and my other brother (actually my brother's best friend but at this point they're part of the family) because for some reason I find pictures of people arguing over maps to be very, very funny.

And here is layout number two.  I've done quite a few page bases lately that are red or pink, sometimes I go through color phases when I'm scrapping.  I really like that pink paisley print from the Raspberry Tart DSP from ages ago.  I paired it with a pattern from the current Flowers & More DSP, which I've used on several layouts lately.  And it's layouts like this that necessitated the purchase of more Starry Sky paper, I flew through a pack of it using it on scrapbook pages like this.

Today's color palette: Pretty in Pink, Rose Red, Starry Sky, and Cucumber Crush (just a smidge).

Have a great day, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Paris in the Spring, Bold Basics, Alphabet Antiques Upper
Ink:  Versamark, Starry Sky, Pretty in Pink, Rose Red, Cucumber Crush, Cinnamon Cider, Petal Pink, Basic Gray, Gray Granite, Crushed Curry
Paper:  Pretty in Pink textured, Starry Sky, Rose Red, Thick Basic White, Raspberry Tart DSP, Flowers & More DSP
Accessories:  Clear EP

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