Monday, March 20, 2023

Castle Acre Priory (Invasion)

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I think I am *finally* starting to feel better after being a human pancake for a solid month.  I went to the doctor on Friday and it turns out I've had pneumonia!  At least now I don't feel like a weakling who couldn't shake a cold.  I've got antibiotics and steroids and like I said, I feel like I'm finally on the upswing now.  Which means hopefully I'll be back on track with scrapbooking very soon, I've got two layouts on my table right now, and a giant stack I need to take photos of.

For now, here's one of my recent finishes:

More pics from the "Invasion" in 2013, during the Britain part of their trip.  The hubs and I took everyone up to Castle Acre Priory so they could kinda get a taste for the kinds of things that we typically did over the weekends, and we had a lovely cream tea at a local tea room afterwards.  I put a couple of bee accents on these pages because beekeeping sounds like something the monks might have done when this was a working religious house.  After all, monks all over Britain brewed beer and did stuff like that, so why not bees.  I don't know if they actually did keep bees but I like 'em on my pages anyway.

Today's palette is a bit unusual I think:  Fresh Freesia, Certainly Celery, Terracotta Tile, and Basic Gray.  It's a triadic color scheme (purple - green - orange) and the Terracotta Tile isn't that molten orange like it looks in the picture.  I think it works pretty well though, I like it.

Gotta go do some grocery shopping and then hopefully lots of work in my craft room. Cheers, peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Classic Alphabet, Postage Collection
Ink:  Basic Gray, Terracotta Tile
Paper:  Fresh Freesia, Terracotta Tile, Certainly Celery, Thick Basic White, Certainly Celery DSP
Accessories:  None

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