Monday, March 13, 2023

March 2020

Scrappy Monday, y'all, and the start of Week 4 of the Cold That Would Not Go Away.  Still miserable.  Both the hubs and the kid are feeling better, at least, it's me that can't kick this thing.

Anyway, I have one of my more recent layouts to share today:

Pics are all from March of 2020, which is when the Covid lockdowns really started in the States, at least where we were.  I almost always angle stripey paper like that so it points upwards, because it seems more cheerful to me, but this time I chose to make it go downwards (and this is part of the Flowers & More DSP that's in the Occasions catalog, I love it!).  So most of the journaling block is about Covid, but I did some short captions on most of the pictures for what Ryan was doing.  Like how he chose is own all-red outfit.  I think that the 2022-24 In Colors might be my favorite batch so far for scrapbooking, I think I've used all of them as page bases already and I bought another pack of 12x12 cardstock (actually my last order was almost all 12x12 cardstock, I bought more from each color family).

Today's In Color palette:  Parakeet Party, Orchid Oasis, Starry Sky, and Sweet Sorbet.  There's just a bit of Tahitian Tide on the patterned paper, too.

Stay healthy, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Full Calendar
Ink:  Versamark, Starry Sky marker
Paper:  Parakeet Party, Starry Sky, Orchid Oasis, Sweet Sorbet, Thick Basic White, Flowers & More DSP
Accessories:  White EP, Beautiful Shapes dies

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics, and I always love how you make the bright colors work!
    Thank heavens for outside, right? Today is the anniversary of Utah shutting down (nice timing!) and it's been a topic today.
