Monday, April 24, 2023

Dover Castle (Redo)

Scrappy Monday, y'all.  Hope you had a good's still pretty cool here (it warmed up on Saturday but was back to cool and rainy yesterday) but Ryan and I managed to get out of the house for a little bit and go pick some tulips at the blumen feld down the road from us, so that's something.  I'm doing a temperature tracker cross stitch this year and we've been in the blue ranges for a long time!

Anyway, it's Scrappy Monday, let's talk scrapbook pages.  Today's layout is actually a re-do, which I try not to do very often (because how am I ever going to catch up if I'm constantly redoing pages I already did?) but every once in a while something about a layout just bothers me enough that I do end up redoing it.  And that's what happened with this one, you can see the original layout here.  And here's the re-do:

As much as I love doing challenges for cards, I quickly discovered that trying to do challenges for scrapbook layouts just does NOT work for me (the original was a sketch challenge).  I also redid the layout for the Cliffs of Dover, which you'll see next week, and one layout from our 2012 Mediterranean cruise.  So for this layout, I started over with completely different colors and papers and I'm happier with it now.  I even ended up choosing some different photos to work with for the re-do layouts.

I also used those re-dos as an opportunity to try out a different photo printer.  I've used Winkflash for *years* but last time I ordered pictures from them (thankfully it was a very small order), the photos were super super cheap quality.  Like seriously, my fingers hated touching them, they looked like crappy one-hour photos from a pharmacy.  Needless to say I was not happy about it.  So I tried Shutterfly for these pics, and the quality was a bit better than the finger-shriveling Winkflash ones, but still not as good as Winkflash *used* to be (I'm still scrapping some older photos so I have a lot for comparison).  Anyone out there have an online photo printer that they like, with high-quality pictures that don't make me shudder when I touch them?  I cannot express how much I hated that last set from Winkflash, they were awful.

Today's new and improved color palette:  Bordering Blue, Buckaroo Blue, So Saffron, Basic Gray, and white.  The patterned paper I used technically has a very watered-down So Saffron as well as a smidgen of Pink Pirouette in it, but I focused on the grayish blues for my layout.  I was searching around for some kind of accent to stamp on the layout and ended up with Stippled Stencils, which is one of the oldest stamp sets in my collection, so it was fun to ink it up again.

That's it for me today, kids.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Rough Type, Stippled Stencils
Ink:  Basic Gray, Bordering Blue, Buckaroo Blue
Paper:  Bordering Blue, Buckaroo Blue, Basic Gray, Thick Basic White, Bella Birds DSP
Accessories:  None

1 comment:

  1. Good for you re-doing pages that bug you. I talked about it once but I have too much else to do!
    I TOTALLY get it. I hate when I fall for the penny prints with Snapfish and Shutterfly because they're so bad! Photos aren't clear, eyes especially often have some weirdness, and the paper is garbage! {insert crying face} Everywhere is getting like this tho. When Sam's Club had a photo counter they were fantastic and super inexpensive but when they went to online only, they're the same junk photos as you're already dealing with. I have been printing with Persnickety Prints (hopefully that works with the military shipping) and I get my 12x12 digi pages and my 4x6 and wall sizes there. They also have sales and times when you can buy credits for less than the regular price, which isn't awful, its just that I print a TON of photos, lol!!
