Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Pink Elephant's Best Friend

You know, I was doing a pretty good job of resisting the online exclusives like Rhino Ready.  And THEN my friend Krissy called my kid Rhino Ryan which is the most accurate description I've ever heard and all of a sudden I had to have Rhino Ready but of course I waited long enough that the dies were gone and anyway I made this yesterday:

I started with this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

I typically pair their sketches with the Color Throwdown:

I did have an extensive internal debate about using these colors for a Rhino Ready card, but I decided to embrace the whimsy and go for a lemon-yellow rhinoceros and his pink bird friend and it just took me three tries to spell rhinoceros correctly so for once the red squiggle line was doing its job.  I went with the just-retired Soft Succulent, Flirty Flamingo, Lemon Lolly, and Early Espresso for my colors and is that not the happiest looking rhino you've ever seen?

I'd best get to work.  Got to finish the laundry from yesterday and someone is coming over this morning to take a look at how much stuff we have to pack out in a couple of weeks...this move is fast approaching!

Also, happy Star Wars Day.  May the Fourth be with you!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Rhino Ready
Ink:  Early Espresso, Soft Succulent, Stampin' Blends in Lemon Lolly & Flirty Flamingo
Paper:  Early Espresso, Flirty Flamingo, Thick Basic White, Bright & Beautiful Stack
Accessories:  Dimensionals, Noble Peacock Rhinestones


  1. This is adorable! Such a cute card! Glad you joined us at FMS!

  2. this is so cute!! Love it - and thank you for playing along with the CTD challenge with me this week!

  3. This rhino is just the cutest and I love the look on his face! Fabulous card! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.
