Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Timmy the Timid Turtle

Okay so this week is just not going to spec so far...I got Ryan off to school yesterday and then got a call at nine o'clock to come and get him because he wasn't feeling well.  Thankfully he seems like he's doing better today and was happy to get on the bus this morning, so fingers crossed that I can get some things done today!

While Ryan was couch-bound yesterday and watching cartoons, I finished up a quick card to share today.  Here's Timmy the Timid Turtle.

He just looks like he's a bit worried about something, don't you think?  I used the Paper Players color challenge for this week:

I used Bubble Bath for my pink (though admittedly it kinda rides the line between pink and purple), Soft Sea Foam, Smoky Slate, and just a bit of black for the turtle.  Oh, for the spots on Timmy's shell, I colored them in with the light Old Olive Blend, then went over it with a Soft Sea Foam Blend, which gave me an interesting color I think.  Just experimenting.

I like the sketch from Just Add Ink this week too:

My sentiment strip doesn't go across the card as far as on the sketch, but I think I kept to the spirit of the thing anyway.  Sending Smiles is my go-to for sentiments that fit a long thin spot on a sketch.

Okay, I'm off to be productive.  I've got a bunch of things to box up to mail today and my SU! order somehow miraculously made it here early : ) So I get to pick that up when the post office opens.  But I only get to play with the new stuff if I can get some other things done first.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Playing in the Rain, Sending Smiles
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Bubble Bath, Soft Sea Foam, Smoky Slate, Stampin' Blends in Bubble Bath, Soft Sea Foam, Old Olive, Smoky Slate
Paper:  Soft Sea Foam, Thick Basic White, Bold & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Playing in the Rain dies, Sending dies, Stylish Shapes dies, Mini Dimensionals, Milky Dots


  1. Lovely simple card Christy, I love how you backed your turtle with a field of flowers! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week. Kim

  2. This is so cute Christy - love your turtle in this colour way with the soft blended colour behind. Hope you got all those jobs done so that you could play with those new goodies! Thanks for playing with us over at The Paper Players this week!

  3. Christy, I always thought he looked a little bashful :-). Whatever that look is, you did him proud. Fabulous coloring and I love him on that layout. Great use of the colors this week, too. So glad you shared this with us at The Paper Players

  4. Christy, your little turtle is adorable picking flowers. I love the way you used the pink and green background. Such a fun card! Thank you for joining us at the Paper Players this week!

  5. Oh this is just gorgeous! I love the soft feel to your card with the colours you've used. thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink!
