Monday, August 21, 2023

Happy Kiwi, Happy Craft Room

Hey y'all!  Usually today would be Scrappy Monday, but after a lot of work last week I got my craft room about 95% ready to rock and I just had to jump in on a couple of challenges before they close.  So here's my first card made since I got my craft table and everything else : )

I took advantage of the one-day stamp sale even though I didn't have a functional craft room, and Hello Kiwi is one of my new acquisitions.  (I am currently awaiting the arrival of my holiday catty preorder, don't tell the hubs on me.)  I used last week's Freshly Made Sketch:

And as usual, I paired that with the Color Throwdown:

These colors look autumnal to me, but I wanted an excuse to use new stamps.  I used Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, and Pecan Pie for my colors.

So over the last two weeks, I have unpacked the house and gotten things mostly organized.  Every time we move, I pack up my ink pads--a rubber band around each one to keep it closed, and each ink pad goes in a plastic baggie.  (Knowing how often we move, I keep the baggies in a tub, and when I prep for the next move I reuse the baggies and toss the prepped ink pads in the tub for shipment.)  And this is why I do that:

It's a bit tedious getting all the ink pads prepped, especially since I have all the retired colors too, but this is why I do it.

Instead of having purple ink all over everything, I was able to easily rinse off this one ink pad and move on with getting everything organized.  I think I've only had two or three ink pads leak like this while in transit, but again, I didn't get ink all over anything but one ink pad each time.  So there's your moving tip.

And here's what my craft room looks like this morning:

Big difference from the picture I shared last week!  My file cabinets have been quite beat up and one is missing a drawer handle, so I think I'll be getting new ones in the next couple of months.  And this is the last house for those three bookshelves too, the movers finally damaged them terminally.  The top of one is totally broken, but I can use the shelves for the next year.  So when we get ready to move next summer, I'll buy some new bookshelves but I'll just leave them unassembled until we get to wherever we're going, and these shelves will get tossed.  I'm pretty sure I've had them since before I got married, so they're over 20 years old and have weathered about 10 moves now (including 3 different countries).  So they've had a pretty long life.

Anyway, I took a bit of time this morning to make one card, and now I'm going to the Y to take a yoga class.  I've been working very hard for the last two weeks, so it's time to do a bit of self-care.  I'll be back to work on the last bit of organization this afternoon.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Hello Kiwi
Ink:  Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper:  Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Thick Basic White
Accessories:  Deckled Rectangles dies, Dimensionals, Classic Matte Dots


  1. so great! love the layout and that delicious fruit!

  2. The kiwi works great with those colors! And I love the shading behind them.
    Nice work on your craft space! And that really is a great moving tip!

  3. Your craft room looks fabulous! And what a fun card. For a bit of trivia - I am a Kiwi from New Zealand and here we call the fruit kiwifruit not kiwi - possibly to avoid getting the fruit confused with the bird or the New Zealander :) Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.
