Thursday, August 31, 2023

Ink Blended Thank You

Mornin' y'all!  It's 9:30 in the morning and I already feel like I've accomplished something.  I got the kiddo to school, did my workout this morning, and I've got a rather large pile of boxes out on the front porch waiting for a charity to come pick up my donation.  There's so much more space in the front of the house with those boxes out of the way : )

Anyway, I do have a card to share today.

I really like the Inked & Tiled stamp set (I did not get the bundle this time, I didn't think I'd use the punch much) and I need to play with a bit more, so today's card was a good opportunity to do that and play with some pretty colors too.  I used this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

Love this one, lots of "scope for imagination" as Anne Shirley would say.  I paired that with this week's Color Throwdown:

That picture reminds me of when the hubs and I had morning glories at our first house in North Carolina about 18 years ago.  They were growing like crazy...up until he dumped undiluted Miracle Grow on them and they all died, ha!  We had four o'clocks and moonflowers growing with the morning glories so we had flowers all day long and into the evening.  The moonflowers were as big as my hand!  Anyway, for today's card, I used Bubble Bath, Mossy Meadow, and Berry Burst for my colors.

Okay, I'm off to tackle more on the ol' to-do list.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Inked & Tiled
Ink:  Bubble Bath, Mossy Meadow, Berry Burst
Paper:  Bubble Bath, Mossy Meadow, Berry Burst, Thick Basic White, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Decked Rectangles dies, retired Glimmer Dots, Dimensionals


  1. Oh all the pinks are so pretty with that splash of green! Lovely card! Glad you shared it at FMS!

  2. This is such a pretty card Christy! I love those flowers and the beautiful colour combination! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  3. Love the ombre shades of pink and how you used the green. Pretty card.

  4. Lovely design! Thanks for playing along with us at FMS this week.

  5. Such a pretty way to combine the challenges, Christy! Love the ink blending!! Thanks for playing along at the Color Throwdown this week!
