Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sunny Adventure

Mornin', y'all.  It has been a really busy (and stressful) few days here--all our household goods were delivered on Friday, I had a pair of people come help unpack stuff all day Saturday, and Sunday was pretty much spent trying to get the kitchen unpacked and organized.  Hubs and I have been married for almost 20 years (our anniversary is coming up in October), and in that time we have moved 8 times, including to 3 different countries (really we moved 9 times, because once we moved from one house to another one about a half a mile away, but I usually don't count that one).  But this was the worst packing job I've ever seen.  I always keep my stamps on six-foot bookshelves and rather than putting all the stamp cases in boxes, taking the shelves out and wrapping up the bookshelf frames for transport, they just wrapped a bunch of cardboard around the shelves with all the contents still on them.  So of course when I got them here, we ripped open the cardboard and it was like a volcano of stamp cases coming out, quite a few of them mangled.  More than one fully-loaded bookshelf and one of my filing cabinets full of cardstock arrived here upside down.  I have a vintage sewing machine that I got from my great-grandmother, it's one of those that folds down into a table--they snapped a leg off of it and the hubs said he doesn't know if that's fixable (I only ever use it as a table, I don't know if the machine works but that part isn't important to me).  And of course they didn't pack any of our picture frames properly--in one case, the packers taped together two flattened-down boxes and then shoved in 8 frames--with glass!--without wrapping anything in paper.  I'm shocked and amazed that more stuff wasn't completely destroyed, though they did put scratches and dings in several of the expensive frames that I had done in Germany.  At least we got the stuff here though; the hubs was supposed to receive a small shipment where he is, which included a lot of his clothes, a very nice bike, golf clubs, and a lot of his work-related stuff--yeah, they have totally lost that entire shipment.  First time we've had that happen.

On the upside, we have our own beds back to sleep in, and after wrestling with the kitchen all day Sunday it's in fairly good shape.  I unpacked Ryan's room on Saturday night but it looks like a disaster now because he had to drag out all of his toys since he hadn't seen them in 2 1/2 months.  And his books are all over everywhere too because the bookshelf in his room has to be replaced, but I'm fairly confident I can get a shelf from Target and put it together to fix that.  Most of the day yesterday was spent picking up my car and getting it all set for me to drive here in Texas, and happily that whole process went like buttah.  My dad drove with me to pick up the car, it got here just fine and only took us about 20 minutes to do all the paperwork and stuff before we were driving off, then we got the car inspected and that only took 15 minutes, took a break for lunch (I am still happy to be so close to a Chuy's, I missed good TexMex!), and then got the car registered with the state so I'm all legal and everything.  So yeah that process took most of the day, but every piece of it went very smoothly.  I had a lot of help from my dad (he was here all day Friday and Saturday, and helped me with the whole car process yesterday), my mom (taking care of my spawn while I was doing all the other stuff), and my brother (he helped with the delivery on Friday and spent a couple of hours yesterday setting up our TV which has suddenly decided it's schizophrenic and only talking to the remote when it feels like it).

Sadly, setting up my craft room will have to wait until I can get the downstairs of the house unpacked and organized, but I did make a few cards in Germany that I haven't posted yet.  So here is one I made just to play around with the Next Destination stamp set.

Next Destination has a few travel-related images and some nice sentiments, which is useful for me since most of the people we know are semi-nomadic like we are.  We have friends all over the US, Europe, and Asia, which is pretty cool.  Yeah the semi-nomadic lifestyle has some downsides (this move has been our worst and most stressful yet, but we're dealing), but it does have some pretty incredible upsides.  It's always an adventure.

Anyway, I need to pick an area and start unpacking.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Next Destination
Ink:  Tahitian Tide, Calypso Coral
Paper:  Tahitian Tide, Thick Basic White, Inked Botanicals DSP Stack
Accessories:  Nested Essentials dies, Dimensionals

1 comment:

  1. Oh my worrrddd..... That is terrible that happened, and ridiculous that happened!!
    I'm glad you have some things back. You card is happy and fun, even if your week wasn't. Wow....
