Monday, September 18, 2023

Maine: Corn Maze

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Hope your week is off to a good start.  I'm starting with another Maine scrapbook layout : )

So next up on our Maine adventure, we went to a place called Homewood Farm, where the boys had a great time running around in a (rather muddy) corn maze.  It was a little drizzly that morning, so we had the place to ourselves.  The boys particularly liked getting their hands stamped at various stations in the corn maze (and also getting muddy, because boys).

I knew I wanted to use this particular corn-y patterned paper, so I chose a Pacific Point page base to set off the yellows and oranges in the DSP.  So today's color palette is Pacific Point, Crushed Curry, Peach Parfait, and touches of Poppy Parade, Cucumber Crush, Soft Suede, and Very Vanilla.  I've done similar things on fall pages before, where I used a blue page base to make the warm colors pop.  I think it works, and in this case, the blue ties in to Ryan's blue jacked in the pictures.

Okay, it's just about time to get Ryan off to school.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Make a Difference, Rough Edges Alphabet, Perfectly Preserved, Jack of All Trades
Ink:  Crushed Curry, Cucumber Crush, Peekaboo Peach, Poppy Parade, Soft Suede, Early Espresso marker
Paper:  Pacific Point, Crushed Curry, Poppy Parade, Peach Parfait, Thick Very Vanilla, Painted Autumn DSP
Accessories:  Cannery Framelits

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