Monday, October 23, 2023

Maine: Making S'mores

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Ryan and I had a busy day yesterday--we went to the last day of the Texas State Fair with my brother, SIL, and their two kids.  I hadn't been to the fair probably since before the hubs and I got married, so it was like a whole new experience!  Ryan played games and went on a ride or two and we ate all the super unhealthy fried fair foods.  I will admit though, I had a red velvet funnel cake and then my body noped out on trying the fried brownies.  Or fried Oreos.  Or fried Twinkies.

And to continue the sweet treats theme, today's Maine layout is all about the s'mores!

And in my vast scrapbook supply hoard, I have some old stickers of chocolate bars and Hershey's Kisses, so I used some of those on here.  This is maybe my least favorite of the Maine pages, but it gets the job done.

Today's somewhat unusual color palette:  Pale Papaya, Poppy Parade, Shaded Spruce, Chocolate Chip, and white.

Okay y'all, I've got to do my workout and start trying to counteract all of yesterday's poor diet decisions.  But that funnel cake was tasty.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Make a Difference, Rough Edges Alphabet
Ink:  Chocolate Chip
Paper:  Pale Papaya, Poppy Parade, Shaded Spruce, Thick Basic White, Expressions in Ink DSP
Accessories:  stickers from Creative Imaginations

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