Monday, November 13, 2023

Maine: Ocean Trail

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  And today's layout is one I particularly liked from the Maine book, take a peek:

I think Baja Breeze might be my favorite ever SU! color, I was so bummed when they retired it.  The Ocean Trail was yet another area of Acadia National Park with some gorgeous views out over the water.  I think Missy used one of these pics for her Christmas cards that year.  I think the hubs and I have already picked a photo for this year's cards : )

Today's color palette might be a little less obviously fall-inspired, but I still love it:  Baja Breeze, Kiwi Kiss (I think I bought three packs of that Bella Rose DSP!), Elegant Eggplant, Riding Hood Red, More Mustard, and white.  All of the colors are retired except white...which I guess is technically retired too since we switched from Whisper White to Basic White.

Ryan is feeling good this morning so he's definitely going to school, which makes me happy after he missed two days last week.  My big plans for the day?  Plotting out my lineup of Thanksgiving recipes!  I know there will be at least four pies involved...cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Make a Difference, Gorgeous Leaves
Ink:  Baja Breeze, Riding Hood Red, More Mustard, Concord Crush marker
Paper:  Baja Breeze, Elegant Eggplant, Riding Hood Red, More Mustard, Kiwi Kiss, Thick Basic White, Bella Rose DSP
Accessories:  Intricate Leaves dies

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