Thursday, November 2, 2023

Parallel Pumpkin Picking

Mornin' y'all!  Hope your Thursday is going well.  Check out my card for today:

No regrets at all about buying the Pick of the Patch bundle, I'm having fun with it!  Of course I thought of it first when I saw this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

Combined with the Color Throwdown:

I used Petal Pink, Delightful Dijon, Really Rust, and Soft Succulent for my colors, only the first of which is still current.  And guess what, y'all?

I won last week's Freshly Made Sketches challenge!  I think that's the first time I've been the Queen of Clean at FMS, so I am quite tickled about it.  Thanks to Judy for choosing my card and giving me a bit of an ego boost this week : )

One last pic...

Ryan looked a little crazy around the eyes when we went to Marble Slab last night.  Four months of deployment down, eight more to go.  We can do it!  (Especially with ice cream.)

Have a great day, peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Pick of the Patch
Ink:  Petal Pink, Delightful Dijon, Really Rust, Soft Succulent, Pecan Pie
Paper:  Petal Pink, Thick Basic White, Petal Pink & Soft Succulent DSP
Accessories:  Pick of the Patch punch, Mini Dimensionals, white sequins


  1. Great seasonal design! Love the trio of different colored pumpkins. Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  2. This is so sweet and I just love the pumpkins for the sketch. What a cute card! And glad you got some ice cream to help with that eye problem. Just the right solution! (Thinking of you during the deployment. Thanks for all you do as a family.) Thanks for playing along with my sketch this week at FMS!
