Monday, December 4, 2023

Hairy Holidays! 2010

Scrappy Monday!  I've been working through my Maine scrapbook pages, but now that it's December, I'm going to switch over to holiday pages and I'll pick back up on Maine in January.  So to start with, I have a cute layout featuring my much-loved fur babies.

I miss them so much.  Anyway, I had already done some Christmas pages for this year (2010), but I had several pics left over with Sadie and Vader, so I made a layout for their album.  Yeah, Sadie and Vader will have their own scrapbook album once I finally take all my completed pages and actually put them in albums.  For this layout, I used a couple of different packs of patterned paper and just had fun with it.  Usually I'm trying to cram in a lot more pictures on a single layout but this time I could let it breathe with the fun patterns.

Today's festive color palette:  Garden Green, Real Red, Old Olive, and Very Vanilla.  And of course black for my doggos.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Taffy Alphabet, Snow Swirled
Ink:  Garden Green, Real Red, Old Olive, Basic Black Marker
Paper:  Garden Green, Real Red, Old Olive, Thick Very Vanilla, Merry Moments DSP, Cerise DSP
Accessories:  1 3/8" circle punch, Circles Framelits

So, last week I spent some time getting all my loose scrapbook pages organized.  I don't necessarily make pages in chronological order, and I haven't put my pages into albums in quite a while, so I had two or three paper holders of scrapbook layouts that needed to be organized into their proper years.  It took me a couple of hours to get it all done:

I already had a lot of containers labeled with different years, I just needed to file the newer pages into place.  But this gives you an idea of how many layouts I have done...

Yeah this went pretty much around the whole craft room.

And here they are, all properly labeled and organized!  I got several more paper storage containers the week of Thanksgiving when they were on sale for $4; I still have four empty ones at the top so I'll need to work on that ; )  Then there's two containers that have some supplies and odds and ends, and every single other one of these containers has completed scrapbook pages in it.  I'm going to need a whole room just to house my scrapbooks when we get our forever house.  And now that I have all the pages organized, I think Sadie and Vader are going to get at least two albums, because I have a very large stack o' pages for them.

Today I need to start wrapping some Christmas presents for Ryan while he's in school and maybe I'll get to do some more scrapping.  Like I said, I have those four containers that need to be filled with more completed pages.  Cheers, y'all!

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