Monday, January 29, 2024

Maine: Cape Elizabeth

Scrappy Monday, y'all.  I am honing in on the last few layouts for my Maine album (which isn't an album yet, I haven't assembled it yet) so here we go!

Who knew I'd be needing that lobster stamp from By the Tide : )  We visited the lighthouse here and then went to a nearby park and got lunch from a food truck.  Most of the adults got lobster rolls (hence the lobster on my page), but I don't like seafood so I had a grilled cheese sandwich.  Not even joking, that was the tastiest grilled cheese I've ever had!  Ryan only ate like two bites of his so I snarfed his down too : )

Today's color palette:  Wild Wasabi, Garden Green, Really Rust, Sahara Sand, Early Espresso, and white.  I really miss Wild Wasabi, I used it a lot for scrapbook pages.  It's a great grass color.

That's it for me today, peeps.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Make a Difference, By the Tide
Ink:  Wild Wasabi, Really Rust, Sahara Sand, Early Espresso
Paper:  Wild Wasabi, Garden Green, Sahara Sand, Thick Basic White, Fall Flowers DSP
Accessories:  None

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