Monday, March 4, 2024


Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I had a lovely Saturday working on a couple of projects, watching a movie (it's rare I get control of the TV when Ryan is in the house), and reading a book.  Pretty good day in my opinion.  I picked Ryan up yesterday morning and he was so tired from having run around with his cousins that he mostly camped out on the couch : )

Anyway, I have a layout to share today, from our 2014 road trip through Wales where I dragged the hubs to as many castles as I could manage.  And today is the Welsh castle you're most likely to recognize:

This was the site of Charles' investiture as Prince of Wales, I wonder if/when they're going to do something similar for Prince William?  It's another large castle and similar to several others we saw in Wales; I always think it's funny to see a centuries-old giant castle nestled right up next to a parking lot (car park) with modern cars in it.

I used my all-time favorite sketch to make this layout, and only realized afterwards that I had used the same layout for my Beaumaris pictures and they're right next to each other.  Oops.  Well, that's what happens when I don't scrap my pictures in chronological order, I forget that I used that sketch already!  Oh well, I like both of the layouts so they're staying the way they are.  I even used a pink and a green in the same spots on both layouts!

Today's fun color palette:  Lemon Lime Twist, Calypso Coral, Garden Green, and Blueberry Bushel.  When I made the layout, two of the colors were retired but now LLT and Blueberry Bushel are in the regular color lineup, hooray!

Okay, I'm off to go work on my projects.  The kid is off school on Friday, and that morning we're picking up the hubs and driving to Colorado to look at houses.  So I want to get some quality crafty time in before that happens.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Jayne's Type Alphabet, Nature's Prints
Ink;  Calypso Coral, Blueberry Bushel, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  Lemon Lime Twist, Garden Green, Blueberry Bushel, Thick Basic White, Pretty Prints DSP
Accessories:  Natural Prints dies


  1. Your layouts are so pretty- and I love that these unintentionally match. :) Best of luck with all the things!!

  2. This is fab - and looks like you had great weather for your visit too! I always think Wales is one of the best countries in the world when the sun shines (of course I am biased!) - I just wish it would do it more often. Your page reminds me that I don't visit as often these days as I should!
