Saturday, March 16, 2024

Duck Tales, Woo-Ooo

Mornin', y'all.  We got up very early this morning to take the hubs to the airport; we won't see him again for another 3 1/2 months, but next time we see him this deployment is over so that's good : )

I have another quick card I made on Thursday to share today:

I got Feathered Flight because ducks are my son's favorite animal.  Check out this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

And the Color Throwdown:

I used Boho Blue, Smoky Slate, and Pecan Pie.  Do you ever have colors that you just don't like together?  For my mom it's navy blue and black; for me, it's gray and brown.  So this challenge was definitely a challenge for me.  And it's a challenge when house hunting too, I know we saw several houses where everything was gray (SO GRAY, gray everywhere) but the cabinets in the kitchen were brown.  Sometimes the cabinets were brown and the counters were gray and I just hate it.  There was one house that all three of us loved but we're not going to get it because of the school district and also it's huge.  And absolutely everything in there was gray--carpet, laminate floors, walls, even the ceilings.  I told my husband I would want to have the entire interior repainted like a pale blue.  I'm okay with gray, I just don't want everything to be gray.  Don't want to live inside a rain cloud.

Anyway, enough about my color ramblings.  Hope you have a good weekend, y'all.  Ryan goes back to school on Monday so he'd better enjoy his last couple days of spring break.  I have a feeling he'll be difficult to awaken on Monday morning...

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Feathered Flight, Textured Timber
Ink:  Boho Blue, Smoky Slate, Pecan Pie
Paper:  Boho Blue, Pecan Pie, Basic White
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Classic Matte Dots


  1. This is a great card! I love ducks too! Love the colours and the "texture". I hope you had a wonderful week with your husband and I hope the next 3.5 months goes by super fast! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  2. Great look, Christy! The wood blocks and the water lines in the background are just perfect! Thanks for playing along at the Color Throwdown with us this week!

  3. Love your card! And love your color rambling.....I don't want to live inside a rain cloud either! :)
