Monday, May 6, 2024

May 2020

Scrappy Monday, y'all.  Ryan and I had a fairly low-key weekend but we did go to the movies--twice! We saw Star Wars:  The Phantom Menace on Saturday and then took my mom with us to go see The Mummy yesterday.  Both movies first came out 25 years ago (um, how) so they've been re-released in theaters.  Ryan has been highly resistant to anything Star Wars because he knows I love it, but he did say that he liked the movie, especially where Anakin destroyed the command ship on the big battle at the end.  (I prefer the lightsaber fights.)  I did wonder if he would be scared by The Mummy, but he was totally fine and now wants to roar at me the way the mummy does in the movie so I have that going for me.  He did ask me to tell him when scary parts were coming up but he said he didn't get scared at all.  Kid is way more fearless than I was at his age, I can tell you.

Anyway, here's my layout for today:

This is from May of 2020, when we lost our Sadie girl, so she is the focal point photo on this layout.  All the other pictures are Ryan goofing around one way or another.

Today's color palette is brought to you by the recently retired In Colors:  Tahitian Tide, Parakeet Party, Starry Sky, Sweet Sorbet, and white.  The only missing In Color is Orchid Oasis.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, that was my favorite ever batch of In Colors!  I do have the beginnings of a new layout on my desk using one of the brand new In Colors though, turns out that Summer Splash is a great match for some jammies that Ryan used to wear.  So I'll start getting to know the new colors too.

Time to get Ryan ready for school.  Only three more weeks and he's done for the year, whaaaat!  Cheers, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Full Calendar
Ink:  Versamark, Blueberry Bushel marker
Paper:  Tahitian Tide, Parakeet Party, Blueberry Bushel, Sweet Sorbet, Thick Basic White, Flowers & More DSP, Floral Lane DSP
Accessories:  White EP, Hearts Collection Framelits

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