Friday, May 17, 2024

Puddle Bunny

Mornin' y'all!  Okay, this morning didn't go how I thought it would...I had planned to go do a yoga class at the Y after I dropped Ryan off at school, but I ended up conking out for two hours instead.  Not sure why I was so tired but apparently I needed more sleep!  We've got a busy afternoon ahead with Ryan participating in the black belt test for his teacher, so probably a good thing I got a bit more sleep this morning.

Anyway, here's my card today:

The colors are a bit muted in the picture, probably because we were absolutely socked in with clouds and rain all day yesterday.  For a while, it was getting darker instead of lighter as the sun came up!  That might have influenced my choice of stamp set for today's card.  Anyway, I like the Just Add Ink sketch:

And I had to have another go at the Color Throwdown:

This time, I used Pumpkin Pie, Petunia Pop, and Pretty Peacock, so today's card is brought to you by the letter P.  And now I'm wishing I had gotten all the new In Color Blends because I don't have Petunia Pop yet; I had actually stamped and cut out the fox first but decided to switch it out for the bunny because I wanted the fox to have a purple jacket.

Anyway, my goal for today is to go work on some scrapbook pages.  I have one layout in progress and four (five?) other ones that only lack journaling to be finished.  Gotta use my time wisely since Ryan's last day of school is coming up and it's harder for me to get craft time when he's out of school.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Playing in the Rain, Saying Hey
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Pretty Peacock, Stampin' Blends in Gray Granite, Pretty in Pink, Pretty Peacock, Pumpkin Pie
Paper:  Petunia Pop, Thick Basic White, Petunia Pop DSP, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Playing in the Rain dies, Stylish Shapes dies, Mini Dimensionals, Wink of Stella


  1. Looks like your rabbit is enjoying the puddles. A nice way to use the papers for a fun background. Chantell Just Add Ink

  2. And a super cute bunny to go along with the fox!! I hope Ryan did well in his black belt test! Thanks so much for playing along again with us at the Color Throwdown this week!
