Monday, May 13, 2024


Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Can't hardly believe it but this is Ryan's next-to-last Monday in first grade--his last day of school is next Thursday.  We are going to be busy for the next two weeks, then he has karate camp for the last week of May...and as soon as June hits, we are in full-blown get-ready-to-move mode.  It's coming up fast.

Anyway, today's scrapbook layout is from our 2014 Baltic cruise, when we visited Tallinn, Estonia.

Estonia's most recent claim to fame is that they invented Skype, which we were told several times.  We did a free walking tour of the city and our tour guide Heli was AMAZING!  She told us lots of interesting facts about the country and the capital city itself, and gave us restaurant recommendations at the end of the tour.  We ended up having these giant pancakes at a place she recommended and they were delicious.

My color palette was mostly inspired by the two signs on the right-hand page, and for some reason I find that "decent bowl of elk soup" amusing.  Anyway, the color palette for today is Soft Succulent, Cajun Craze, So Saffron, and white.

I have a set of pictures out on my craft table right now that are giving me fits for a color combination, so hopefully brilliant inspiration will strike today so I can work on that.  And I have four other layouts that I need to do journaling on.  That's it for me today, peeps.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Letterpress Alphabet
Ink:  Basic Gray
Paper:  Soft Succulent, Cajun Craze, Thick Basic White, Fine Art Floral DSP, Delicate Desert DSP
Accessories:  None

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