Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tea Rex

Mornin' y'all!  I did not get up early enough to do my workout before I had to get Ryan up and ready for school, so I'll have to do that once he gets dropped off.  It's his next-to-last day of first grade and today he gets to bring in board games to play.  Sounds like fun to me!

It will likely come as no surprise that I have a card to share today.

Nobody tell my SU! stamps that I'm cheating on them, okay?  This little Tea Rex was the first thing I thought of when I saw the Paper Players challenge:

I decided to go for punny rather than slapstick humor 'cause I love me a good pun, and the greeting stamp for my cute dino has two of them.  I chose new In Colors Shy Shamrock, Pretty in Pink, and Peach Pie for my colors because I thought they'd be fun together.  I used Pale Papaya Blends on his belly because I didn't have the Peach Pie Blends yet...yeah I bought the rest of the In Color Blends and the new In Color markers yesterday for free shipping day.  And maybe some DSP.  (Oops.)

Anyway, I had had a general plan in mind for this card and then I saw the CAS Colours & Sketches challenge and had to use it:

I did mine mirror image because I wanted the Tea Rex to be walking into the card and not off the edge.  Don't want to spill the tea, right?  And I just realized that I graduated the sizes of the background strips backwards to the original sketch, which wasn't my intention.  Oops!  Maybe I copied the sketch down wrong when I took it upstairs to my craft room.  Regardless, I'm sure my friend Krissy will love this cute-tea so I'm going to mail it out today or tomorrow.

Have a great day, peeps!

Stamps:  Tea Rex from The Ink Road
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Shy Shamrock, Stampin' Blends in Shy Shamrock, Pale Papaya, Pretty in Pink
Paper:  Shy Shamrock, Thick Basic White, In Color DSP
Accessories:  Dimensionals

Oh, biscuits!  I almost forgot.  Here's the card Ryan made for his teacher to go with her end-of-school-year gift yesterday:

He stamped Bandit and Chilli (it's one big stamp), I helped him run it through the Big Shot, and he colored them in and put the card together.  Then he wrote a note on the inside for her yesterday morning.  His teacher this year has been phenomenal, I've said it before but I wish he wasn't switching schools again because this one has been so great.  Hopefully the school in Colorado will be good, too.


  1. The dino made me giggle before seeing the challenge it was for. :) And super cute Bluey image for the teacher!
    I hope his new school is awesome! This year has not gone well at our house and I think both the new 2nd grader and her mama need a treat (or five) for surviving. Jury is still out on teacher appreciation gifts...tomorrow is our last day too. :p

  2. Clever idea to spin the sketch round - it works perfectly with that fab dinosaur (and I love the pun!) Thanks for joining us at CAS Colours & Sketches

  3. Flipping the sketch worked perfectly Christy and your Dinosaur- well, he's tea-rrific! (Sorry not sorry - I couldn't resist!) So perfect for both CAS Colours and Sketches and The Paper Players this week! Love Ryan's Bluey card too - great colouring skills!

  4. Love that Tea-Rex so darn cute Christy. Ryan's card is a hit too. Thanks for playing along with The Paper Players.

  5. Christy, this is one of the cutest images ever. Any Tea drinker would love to receive this card. I am in LOVE with this Tea Rex. Ryan's card is a winner, too. As a former teacher, I know his teacher will cherish it. Thank you for sharing with The Paper Players this week!

  6. I totally understand about not having the T-Rex "walking off the edge" of the card! I would have done the exact same thing with using the mirror image of the sketch! Thanks for sharing your darling card with us at CC&S! :)
