Monday, June 17, 2024

Burg Eltz

Scrappy Monday, y'all, with an emphasis on MONDAY.  I was about to get Ryan out the door for his first day of soccer camp and we discovered a giant roach in the house.  So I took care of that, dropped Ryan off, and went to Walmart to buy Sphaghetti-Os because Ryan thinks they're a food group and we were almost out.  I was walking towards the store, minding my own business, when a big black bird whacked into my head!  (I don't know if he's a raven or a crow, but something like that.). I yelled "REALLY?!  WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" while the bird strutted off, supremely unconcerned by my indignation.  So I bought Star Wars Oreos to soothe my ruffled feathers (pun intended) and on the way back to my car THE SAME DANG BIRD DID IT AGAIN.  And that is why I am eating Oreos for breakfast.

Anyway, I did finally take pictures of a giant stack of scrapbook layouts last week so for today I have two layouts from that batch.  Here's the first one:

Unlike most of the castles we visited in Europe, Burg Eltz is privately owned by the Eltz family to this day and they still live there.  It was about a two-hour drive from our house to the castle, which is situated in a forested valley so you pretty much can't see it until you're super close to it.

Ryan paid attention to the tour guide's spiel and asked a question or two about the castle that showed he really was listening, which surprised the tour guide (and to be honest, the hubs and I were wondering what was going to come out of his mouth when his hand shot up to ask a question).  We got some snacks in the castle's cafe before we left, and we decided to hike back to the parking lot so we got more pictures of the castle from the surrounding forest.  It was pretty cool and obviously I had a lot of pictures I liked and I couldn't narrow it down more than this, so two layouts it is.

Today's color palette:  Pale Papaya, Balmy Blue, Pear Pizzazz, Grapefruit Grove, Gumball Green, and Whisper White.

Okay, I have just over an hour and a half left before I have to go pick Ryan up, so I'm going to work on my last batch of scrapbook layouts before I get things ready to move--packers will be here next Monday!  Eek!  But maybe I'll eat one more Oreo first.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Back to Basics Alphabet, Letters for You, Carte Postale, Hello Lovely
Ink:  Pebbled Path, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  Pale Papaya, Grapefruit Grove, Gumball Green, Thick Basic White, You're a Peach DSP
Accessories:  1" and 1 1/4" square punches

1 comment:

  1. A roach and two bird whacks to the head in one day?! Definitely more Oreos needed! LOL! And I don't know what Star Wars Oreos are! I will have to look for them next time I go shopping. I try to avoid the cookie aisle! Your layouts are beautiful and what a fabulous castle!
