Monday, June 3, 2024

June 2020

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Ryan and I went out to the neighborhood pool yesterday but we were only there for about 30 minutes when the weather kicked up and we had to leave.  Then Ryan tried to argue with me that it's *not* dangerous to be in a pool when there's thunder and lightning happening.  Yeah he lost that argument, but he tried.

Anywha, my lazy kiddo is still abed at 8:30 in the morning but I've been awake for a couple of hours (I slept in, usually I'm awake between 5 and 5:30) and I've done a workout and maybe bought a few books *innocent whistling* At least 90% of the books I buy are on sale for like $2, so that makes it better, right?  And now I'm writing this blog post and giving myself time to cool down from my workout before I get cleaned up.  So here is today's layout from June of 2020:

Lots of adorable pictures of my lil stinker when he was three years old.  I love that Artoo Detoo shirt that says "That's how I roll"--we passed it along to our neighbors in Germany and I've seen pictures of their little girl Eisley wearing it.  Eisley's parents are big Star Wars fans so I knew that shirt was going to a good home.  I broke out some old Bubbles & Fizz DSP for this layout; I never got the coordinating stamp set, but it works to punch out the bottle caps from another sheet of DSP for my page accents.  And I adore it since we called Ryan "Baby Sodapop" before he was born as we didn't tell anyone what we planned to name him.

Today's color palette:  Pacific Point, Lemon Lime Twist, Calypso Coral, Basic Gray, and white.  It just so happens that I worked on another layout a couple of days ago with a very similar color combo to this one, but I'm working on summer of 2021 so there's lots of other pages in between.  I have been in the scrappin' GROOVE lately, yesterday I put together another layout and that left me at THIRTEEN that I had made but not done journaling for, so I started writing and got about halfway done with that.  Usually I finish a layout entirely before I move on to the next one; occasionally, if I'm doing more than one layout for a single event, I'll work on multiple layouts at once, but that's it.  Don't know why this is suddenly my MO to do everything but the journaling.  I've been having fun with my color combinations too and even managed to sneak in some purples, which doesn't happen too often.

Okay, I'm off to get cleaned up and kick Ryan out of bed, maybe see if he wants to go to the movies today before his TKD class since the pool is closed today.  The martial arts studio just moved to a different schedule but after next Monday's belt test Ryan will be moving to a completely different class, so this week is just going to be a one-off for a weird schedule.  His class tonight starts at 6:55 when we've been used to 4:45 classes for the past ten months.  Oh well, Semper Gumby!  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Full Calendar
Ink:  Pacific Point, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  Pacific Point, Lemon Lime Twist, Thick Basic White, Bubbles & Fizz DSP
Accessories:  1 1/8" circle punch, Stylish Shapes dies

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