Tuesday, August 27, 2024

SUO Challenges: Go Team!

 Mornin' folks!  Get ready for a new challenge from SUO Challenges!

And here it is:

Okay, y'all.  Y'all.  I'm gonna level with you...I don't sportsball at all.  When I was growing up, my dad would watch football 3 to 4 nights a week between pro football, college football, and going to my high school's games because my brother and I were in the marching band.  Y'all.  I have personally attended 50+ football games and I still have NO IDEA what any of the rules are.  That is how little interest I have in sports.  Buuuuut I did go to college so I suppose I can count that as my team colors?

Let's hear it for Baylor green and gold!  And a Baylor Bear, because why not add the mascot on there too.  Ryan does not believe that they have real, live bears at Baylor football games and way back in the day they used to train the bears to drink Dr Pepper.  I don't know if they still do that.  Anyway, I adore my fluffy friend on this card.  I mixed patterns from the To Market DSP and the Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack to get Garden Green and Lemon Lolly.

So what are your team colors?  Could be a pro team, your college team, whatever your local high school is, whatever you want!  As always, have fun and upload your card to the SUO Challenges blog.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Fluffiest Friends, Bee My Valentine
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Stampin' Blends in Basic Black, Smoky Slate, Pecan Pie, Lemon Lolly, Shaded Spruce
Paper:  Lemon Lolly, Thick Basic White, To Market DSP, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Fluffiest Friends dies, Dimensionals

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