Friday, August 16, 2024

Testing 1-2-3

Happy Friday, y'all!  Ryan is off school today for some unknown reason, but he's just hanging out quietly with his iPad for now.  In a little bit we'll have to go grocery shopping which I'm sure he won't like, but it's gotta be done--we're having friends over for dinner tomorrow and I'm making lasagna : )

So here's my retro card for today:

Anyone recognize that stamp set?  I've been considering whether or not I want to add the new Tune In bundle to my collection, but I've had Stay Tuned since 2007 and only used it once before this.  It is very retro--17 years!--for the Retro Rubber Challenge:

I have three tic-tac-toes: diagonal from top right, bottom row, and right column.  I dug out a bunch of DSP scraps for the background and just kept cutting out shapes until I liked it.  The TV screen is embossed with clear powder to give it a bit of shine even if it doesn't show up in the picture.  A couple of silver Festive Pearls on the TV dials counts for metallics, and I used another taffeta ribbon since I had the box out for yesterday's card.  And I suppose I'll count fussy cutting for the "your choice" block.

I also used the mood board from Inkspirational:

Love the fun colors on this one!  I used Coastal Cabana, Pumpkin Pie, Granny Apple Green, and Daffodil Delight, with Early Espresso for my TV and a light Pool Party blend to color the screen.

So that's it for me today.  I have several things I want to do around the house as well as wrangling Ryan to go grocery shopping, so I'd better get with it.  Then Ryan is going to a parents' night out at the local community center and the hubs and I are going on a date : )  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Stay Tuned
Ink:  Early Espresso, Granny Apple Green, Pool Party Blend, Versamark
Paper:  Granny Apple Green, Thick Basic White, DSP scraps in Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Coastal Cabana
Accessories:  Nested Essentials dies, white taffeta ribbon, clear EP, Festive Pearls, Dimensionals


  1. Wow, Christy! I so forgot about this set - what a tough call! I would def have to keep this one, even if I DID get Tune In, lol. Love this little TV, and SUPER love all those cool shape layers behind it - fabulous colors! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  2. This is great Christy, I love all the bright patterned layers. That TV is awesome. IDK if you should add another TV set.. I started doing this recently, considering what I have that is similar already and unused.. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber. Claire DT

  3. Absolutely love this! What a fun image and the design is retro and great to match the TV! Thanks for joining us a Retro Rubber!

  4. what great layering of those patterns and the colours are perfect for our mood board. Love the mid-cent modern look. Thanks for joining in at Inkspirational.
