Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dragonfly Friend

 Mornin' y'all!  Gotta write this quick because it's almost time to take Ryan to school.  So here's today's card!

Playing around with more retired stamps for today's card.  Take a look at the Inspire. Create. sketch:

Getting in just under the wire there : )  Next up is Cupcake Inspirations:

I entered a card for their 600th birthday challenge and found out on Monday that I won a drawing for a $50 gift card!  Woohoo, so exciting!

Finally I'm entering this at the Color Hues challenge:

I used Copper Clay and Shaded Spruce, which I thought were good colors for my friendly dragonfly.  Gotta run now, cheers peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Dragonfly Dreams
Ink:  Shaded Spruce, Copper Clay
Paper:  Shaded Spruce, Thick Basic Vanilla, Shaded Spruce DSP, All About Autumn DSP Stack
Accessories:  Dragonfly dies, Lots of Labels dies, Brushed Metallic Dots, Dimensionals, Wink of Stella


  1. Your card is just delightful! I love the mix of patterned papers, and the dragonfly is beautiful set on the rust and gold background. Thanks for joining us at Color Hues!

  2. This is a great card! The colors really look great together! Love it!!

  3. Your card is fantastic. The colors are great together. I love the choice of patterns you used. Thanks for joining us at Inspire,Create.Challenges.

  4. What a pretty card, Christy! The copper panel makes such a lovely landing spot for the dragonfly and the variety of patterns on the dsp break up the green nicely. Thanks so much for joining us at Color Hues!

  5. This is really a stunning card, Christy. I'd love to have you come play along with us at Word Art Wednesday. It's been a while, and I miss having you play along with us. Come by soon.

  6. The deep colors of the papers and dragonfly look great and I love the layout. Thanks for choosing to join us at Color Hues, we appreciate it.

  7. Love the colors and the dragonfly! Absolutely stunning.
    Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge.
    DT CIC

  8. This is AWESOME!! I love the pattern paper background and the label behind that gorgeous dragonfly. Great design. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge.

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge

  9. Love this card - the colors are perfect! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Inspiration Challenge this week xoxoxo

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge
