Monday, April 18, 2022

New Wheels!

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Hope you had a good weekend, and a good Easter if you celebrate.  Ryan definitely loved the candy and chocolate--and this year the Easter Bunny gave him more toys than candy, 'cause he's crazy enough without extra sugar ; )

Anyway, I wanted a bright, fun layout to share today, and I found one in the drafts folder!

Pics were taken in August of 2019, when Ryan was 2 1/2.  Oh man, he LOVED that truck!  We still have it, but we haven't gotten it out since we moved here--it's pretty loud, and we don't want to be THOSE people who make tons of noise and act like annoying Americans.  Plus we can't plug it in to charge it since it's 110 and our electricity is 220.  But when we lived in North Carolina, he would tootle around the neighborhood and wave at everyone as he drove past.  When we first got the truck, Ryan was little enough that he had to sit way forward to reach the pedals, and we had to put a 20-lb. weight in the back of it to give it better traction.  He was a pretty good little driver, too.

Today's color palette:  Lemon Lime Twist, Grapefruit Grove, Poppy Parade, and Blueberry Bushel.  Love it!  And now I'm going to go play with my brand new In Colors :)  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Big Deal Alphabet, By Land, Shapes & Shadows
Ink:  Blueberry Bushel, Granny Apple Green, Memento Tuxedo Black, Basic Gray marker
Paper:  Lemon Lime Twist, Poppy Parade, Thick Basic White, Birthday Bonanza DSP
Accessories:  None

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