Sunday, April 17, 2022

Paper Players: April Showers

Happy Easter!  The Easter Bunny snuck into our house last night while Ryan and the hubs were asleep and left a trail of plastic eggs between Ryan's room and his Easter basket downstairs.  In completely unrelated news, I'm tired this morning ; )

But it's still time for an awesome new challenge from the Paper Players!

This immediately made me think of cute umbrellas, and as it happens I have multiple retired stamp sets from which to choose when it comes to umbrellas.  I decided to reach way back to the long-retired Rain or Shine for my card today.

Ryan stamped the bright pink umbrella for me and I did the handle, then cut it out.  And then Ryan got bored of helping my in my craft room so I finished the rest of the card on my own ; )  That cloud pattern from the Sunshine & Sprinkles DSP is one of my favorites and I'm hoarding what I have left, so I designed the rest of the card around that strip of paper.  Ryan wasn't too impressed (everyone's a critic) but I like how it turned out!

We've had some gorgeous weather lately, and on Friday Ryan and I took a bike ride and stopped at the blumen field near our house.  This is where they plant flowers every year and you're encouraged to come pick fresh flowers for your house, dropping money in a little box by the field.  Last year they did tulips first and later in the year there were various other flowers, including lilies (sadly I'm allergic) and sunflowers.  The tulips are in bloom right now!

So Ryan and I tiptoed through the tulips together, and he kept asking for my phone because he told me he is "an excellent picture-taker".

NGL, he did take some good ones ; ) We didn't have any money with us so we just took pictures; we'll have to go out again and pick some tulips for our house.

Anyway, I hope spring is springing wherever you are, and that you'll take the chance to make an April Showers CAS card and share it on the Paper Players blog.  Have fun!  I've gotta go...we're going to do an egg hunt in our yard.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Rain or Shine
Ink:  Magenta Madness, Basic Gray, Pacific Point
Paper:  Daffodil Delight, Thick Basic White, Sunshine & Sprinkles DSP
Accessories:  Dimensionals


  1. What a fun card, Christy! I LOVE the pink umbrella against the cheery yellow paper. How awesome that you had a helper, even if for a brief period of time. The tulips are gorgeous. What great pictures! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Perfectly done! Awesome CAS card!

  3. So fun, Christy!! I love all the yellow and the pretty pink umbrella!!
    Thank you for rocking my challenge this week!

  4. How fun! I like your umbrella card! And your gorgeous scenery!
    And I get it- my five year old didn't think any of my last class cards were good enough, haha!

  5. I think the pink umbrella and blue clouds look lovely against the bright yellow base Christy - proper sunshine and showers colours! Great photo of Ryan on his bike and of the beautiful tulip fields - these will make a great scrapbook layout!

  6. I mis all the fun things there are to do in Germany, what a great flower field! I love you sweet card too, I think if I could find a hot pink umbrella like yours I'd be smiling on rainy days!

  7. Such a great clean and simple card! And I love the pics of your son at the tulip fields. That must have been a fun day for you both!

  8. This is a perfect CAS card, cute and fun with that little umbrella! But I must admit that I am JEALOUS of that gorgeous field of tulips! How lucky to live close by!

  9. Fabulously CAS, Christy. I love that little brolly. Ah... all those gorgeous tulips!
