Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hey Paper Players, Knock Knock!

Happy Sunday and there's a new Paper Players challenge coming your way!

This week the theme is courtesy of Ann.  I had to think about it for a while and then this happened:

My son Ryan is five and LOVES knock-knock jokes.  Several times a week, we have this conversation:
Ryan:  Hey Mama, knock-knock!
Me:  Who's there?
Ryan: Boo.
Me:  Boo who?
Ryan: *hysterical laughter*

He also tells other knock-knock jokes that make zero sense but he thinks they're funny.  I taught him the one that goes like this:
Me: Knock-knock!
Ryan: Who's there?
Me:  Banana.
Ryan:  Banana who?
Me:  Knock-knock!
Ryan:  Who's there?
Me:  Banana.
Ryan:  Banana who?
Me:  Knock-knock!
Ryan:  Who's there?
Me:  Banana.
Ryan:  Banana who?
Me:  Knock-knock!
Ryan:  WHO'S THERE!!!
Me:  Orange.
Ryan: *already laughing* Orange who?
Me:  Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?
Ryan:  *more laughing*

So yes I made a card based on a silly knock-knock joke.  The card base (including the watercolor splat) was from a past Paper Pumpkin kit, the one with the silly puns, but even though that kit had bananas in it, I used the Cute Fruit stamps instead.

So now it's your turn!  Make a kid-tastic card and don't forget to keep it CAS, then share your creation at the Paper Players blog.  Have fun!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Cute Fruit, Rough Edges Alphabets
Ink:  Daffodil Delight, Crumb Cake
Paper:  Thick Basic White, card from MPP kit
Accessories:  Mini Dimensionals

The Paper Players Design Team

Cindy Beach

Christy Stanford <-- You are here : )


  1. What a hoot, Christy! You can't help but smile at a banana with a mustache. I bet Ryan LOVED it! I know I LOVED hearing the story behind the card. Have a fun week...and thank you for making me laugh!

  2. Christy, this is perfect! I love that you were inspired by your son's love of knock-knock jokes-couldn't be better for the cards for kids! Have a great week!

  3. I love it! And it sounds exactly like my house, down to the disapproval of how darn grown up they all are...

  4. LOl what a fun card and post!!!!

  5. Oh my, this is too cute! Ben would have loved this at Ryan's age. He has always loved jokes - his most favourite was:
    Ben: "Doctor, doctor I feel like a banana"
    Me (doctor): "What seems to be the problem?"
    Ben: "I'm just not peeling very well!" (Cue hysterical laughter!!!)
    You're welcome ;-)

  6. I love your stories about Ryan, and this one was hilarious! Such a cute card, Christy!

  7. Christy, that story just made me laugh out loud! As does that moustachioed banana:-) what a wonderful kids card

  8. I absolutely love this card, it just cracks me up LOOKING at it! Dana told me her first knock knock joke---the boo hoo one---but her punch line was "Haha, I made you cry!" I still tell that joke, LOL!

  9. SOOOO funny! Love this mustache on that banana! I know Ryan loved it!

  10. How can it get better than a banana with a mustache? Well, Ryan's knock knock jokes, of course. Totally brought a smile to my face today!
