Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Star Baby

Mornin' y'all!  Hope your week is off to a good start.  Over the weekend, the hubs and I put together baby gifts for two people who work for him that are expecting babies.  It was 9:00 on Sunday night and I said I needed to make cards for them, and hubs was like "just skip the cards", and I said, "Honey, I am a CARD Maker, It's What I DO" and then I made two of these.

I personally do not care for all the gray baby clothes/sheets/etc. that's all the rage right now, but I seem to be a minority of one.  That's okay though, I made these to match some of the items we chose to include in the gifts.  I broke out a couple of very old stamp sets for this because I used the Retro Rubber sketch:

Hey, Retro Rubber team, thanks for choosing my card as a winner for the last challenge!  I sent an email as instructed, but you'll probably have to check your spam filter : )

Anyway, my two cards came together quickly thanks to this sketch.  One couple has elected not to find out the gender beforehand, the other baby is a girl, but I just made two gender-neutral cards to keep it simple for me.  Baby Tees was originally a jumbo wheel that I cut apart to make five stamps; I've had it for at least 10 years and Sweet Essentials (the sentiment) is also 10 years old.  The Twinkle, Twinkle DSP is not quite that old but still four or five years.

Didn't get to work much in my craft room yesterday so I'm going to hop to it right now.  Right after I start the next load of laundry...

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Baby Tees, Sweet Essentials
Ink:  Night of Navy, Blends in Gray Granite, So Saffron, Soft Sea Foam
Paper:  Gray Granite, So Saffron, Thick Basic White, Twinkle Twinkle DSP
Accessories:  Stitched Rectangles dies, Stitched Shapes dies, Dimensionals


  1. Beautiful, Christy! I still have both these sets myself - so classic! I hoarded this DSP just for baby cards for so long, too, lol, I love everything about this! Great stitching details! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  2. Aww!! what a sweet baby card, it's been a while since I made one, so it's great to see this card in our gallery.
    Thank you for playing along with us at RETRO RUBBER.
    Stay healthy and safe.

  3. Of COURSE you had to make cards....and what a cute card this is! You rocked our sketch! That little onesie is just adorable!
