Monday, July 11, 2022

Warwick Castle

Scrappy Monday!  Hope y'all had a good weekend.  We had a relaxing weekend at home, which was lovely.  And for today I have a scrapbook layout that I made fairly recently.

See the original pics here.  I know I used the TINIEST strips of that patterned paper on here, but they were already-cut scraps and I wanted to keep this layout super simple.  I think what took the longest on this one was deciding on the color palette, but here's what I ended up with:

Summer Starfruit, Primrose Petals, Baja Breeze, Basic Gray, and Very Vanilla.  At first I wanted to do greens because of how much green is in the pictures, but then *everything* would look green.  I think I picked Summer Starfruit for the page base just because I hadn't used it for a page base before, and then looked through my old Color Coaches (I have three different editions) and In Color combinations until I found one I liked. *shrug*  Warwick wasn't my favorite castle, and this isn't my favorite layout, but that's okay--done is better than perfect, I think.

I did a lot of scrapping last week and I'm looking forward to getting a bit more done this week.  I tend to ponder my next few scrapbook layouts while I'm driving or trying to get to sleep at night, I just need the time to get all my ideas down on paper.  : )  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Letterpress Alphabet, Rough Type, Hello Lovely
Ink:  Baja Breeze, Summer Starfruit, Basic Gray
Paper:  Summer Starfruit, Primrose Petals, Thick Very Vanilla, Patio Party DSP
Accessories:  None

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