Friday, November 25, 2022

Meaningful Bear

Hey friends, hope you had a good Thanksgiving yesterday if you celebrate that.  We did!  Since our new dining room furniture is late getting here, we had Thanksgiving dinner on our plastic folding craft tables with a cheapo tablecloth on top, and used the folding chairs we take to the park : )  You gotta make it work, right?  I made my first-ever turkey and no one got salmonella.  We ate soooo much food that I said yesterday that I didn't want to eat for the next several weeks at least.  And what is in front of me as I type this?

Cannot resist the allure of sweet potato casserole.  Breakfast of champions!  I *love* sweet potato casserole but I'm the only one in my family who does (the hubs tolerates it, the kid sticks his nose up at everything that isn't a PBJ or Goldfish crackers) so I usually only make it once a year.

Anyway!  I do have a card to share today.

Had to take a picture at an angle to get that copper embossing powder to show up.  The dots are copper, too.

It might be a holiday week, but I still had to make a card for Freshly Made Sketches!

And as usual I used the Color Throwdown:

I used Soft Succulent, Basic Black, Crumb Cake, and the aforementioned copper accents.  It's been a while since I used Soft Succulent, it hasn't come up in color challenges lately I guess.  I do like this combination and the cool inspo pic.

Anyway, I need to finish eating my sweet potatoes and then we're going to hit up a Christmas market in Trier for the day.  Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's okay to do the Christmas things ; )  I don't like it when Thanksgiving gets stampeded by overzealous early Christmas stuff.  Gimme my holiday all about food and PIE! 


Supplies, all SU!


  1. This is such a great card! I just love that grizzly! Love the embossed sentiment! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  2. Such a fun card and a great way to highlight the throwdown colors! I'm sorry I didn't make sweet potato casserole this year for T-giving...your photo has me drooling! :-) Thanks for joining us at CTD!

  3. What a great card with this sketch! I need more masculine sets and this image is a perfect one.

  4. What a great card! I love that bear! (And I love sweet potato casserole too!) I'm so glad you played along with us this week at the Color Throwdown!

  5. That casserole looks amazing, as does your cool card!
