Thursday, November 24, 2022

Victorian Ice Skaters

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!  I'll be in my jammies all day because that's how we roll at our house for Thanksgiving.  You don't want tight or uncomfortable clothing getting in the way of enjoying your Thanksgiving feast!

I had a little bit of free time yesterday (I was surprised) and I managed to make two cards.  So here's one for today:

I remember when Winter Post came out and it seemed like *everyone* was using it *all the time*.  Me?  I didn't buy it...until earlier this year when I happened to find it for cheap on eBay ; )  So this is the very first time I've used it!

Check out the Inkspirational inspiration challenge:

I've had this challenge on the brain for DAYSSSS and I thought for sure I had a stamp of an old-fashioned lamppost.  Apparently my brain is either thinking of a stamp set I never bought or it's just making stuff up wholesale.  So I went with the Victorian ice skaters because they made me think of the people in the snow globe here.

I also kinda-sorta-loosely followed the Global Design Project sketch:

I forgot about the little embellishments on the sketch and obviously my greeting is much less large and in charge, so it's more like I started with the sketch and then my card morphed.  But it was fun and a quick little project.

Time for us to go stuff our faces.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Winter Post, Christmas Magic
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Shaded Spruce, Stampin' Blends in Crumb Cake, Cherry Cobbler, Shaded Spruce, Soft Sea Foam, Petal Pink
Paper:  Crumb Cake, Soft Sea Foam, Thick Basic White, Trim the Tree DSP Stack
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Stitched So Sweetly dies, Dimensionals

1 comment:

  1. Well....I might need to dust off my Victorian skaters after seeing this! I DID get it way back then and probably haven't used it since. Good find on ebay! Just lovely!
