Friday, April 28, 2023

Mauve-y Desert

I love me a good pun.  And for today's card, we're visiting the Mauve-y Desert.

Let me tell you, this card was a *challenge*.  I started with this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

Which I found more difficult than usual.  I paired that with the Color Throwdown:

And this was a challenge because those are NOT my kind of colors.  I like bright, clean colors, not muted dirty ones.  But I went with the outgoing Blushing Bride (not sad to see this one go) and the incoming Moody Mauve (not very excited to have this one coming in) with a bit of Early Espresso.  So yeah, combining those two challenges this week was definitely a challenge for me.  I chose Desert Details because of the long thin stamp, and I thought the larger flower could stand in for the rainbow shape on the sketch and the two smaller ones for the cloud shape.

I did get something major accomplished yesterday, and it took a solid FOUR HOURS:

There's my paper hoard (I am a paper dragon, for sure).  It's 12x12 cardstock on the left (for all my scrapbook pages) and patterned paper on the right, though a couple of the containers have finished scrapbook pages in them.  I bought a LOT of 12x12 cardstock when it went on sale due to the color refresh, and yesterday I opened up all the packs and organized everything by color.  I have the current color families on top (brights sorted by color name, then regals, etc.), and then all the retired colors in alphabetical order underneath that.  Also one entire container has nothing but black in it, I wish they'd bring that back to the full-time cardstock lineup.  While I was doing this, I FINALLY found two packs of In Color cardstock I bought like three months ago that then disappeared and it's been driving me nuts ever since.  For some reason I had stuck them in the middle of my Garden Green 12x12 cardstock.  I have no idea why.  I also made myself an inventory sheet so I know how many sheets I have of each color, and whether or not I have patterned paper in each color.  Remember when SU!'s color family DSP was 12x12?  I put it in here with the 12x12 cardstock so I know exactly where to lay my hands on it if I need it.  Also I feel a little bit sad for our movers next month because this paper is HEAVY.  For reals, my back and shoulders are sore from everything I did yesterday to move all the paper around and get it organized.

Enough about my organization obsession.  The hubs just got home after being gone for 10 days for work, so I'm going to go be quiet in my craft room while he takes a nap and then I'll spend time with him when he doesn't feel like a zombie.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Desert Details
Ink:  Moody Mauve, Blushing Bride, Early Espresso
Paper:  Blushing Bride, Thick Basic White
Accessories:  Desert Details dies, Mini Dimensionals, Artisan Pearls


  1. Love your punny rendition with these muted colors! It was out of the box for me as well but I ended up liking it for a change. Your organization of your paper is amazing! Color changes are hard sometimes. Thanks so much for being such a faithful participant at CTD!

  2. haha, but your card is so pretty! :) My stamping bestie is loudly annoyed with the new In Colors. I like them except maybe the Wheat...
    LOVE the organization!! Its so helpful to know what you have so you can easily do your work!

  3. Your card is great with that black horizontal stamp and pretty flowers. I enjoy reading your commentary bc it's so honest, funny and so relatable! I have to organize and inventory every once in awhile and find things I forgot I had too. Like a kid who hasn't seen a toy in awhile. LOL.

  4. You always make such beautiful cards and this is no exception! Thanks for joining us this week at the Color Throwdown Challenge.

  5. I can relate to your organization obsession! LOVE the results! And you card is gorgeous although I totally relate to not being excited about Moody Mauve. I love that you took it in the direction of the desert - it works! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  6. What a delightful and classy floral card! The colors are lovely. Thanks so much for joining in at Freshly Made Sketches this week.
