Monday, May 1, 2023

Cliffs of Dover (Redo)

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I'm back with another redo layout, you can see my original one here.

I switched up the pictures I used and this time all of them were taken ON the Cliffs of Dover, two of the pics on the original layout were from the castle.  I'm happier with this version.

I kept Basic Gray and Bordering Blue from the original color palette, but this time I used Basic Gray for the page base and Bordering Blue for the DSP.  Always Artichoke is my accent green this time instead of Handsome Hunter.  I'm not going to make a habit of redoing my layouts, but in this case I am definitely happier with the results.  From now on I'll just have to get it "right" the first time ; ) Not that there was anything wrong with the original, per se, it just didn't feel quite right to me.

Also how is it May already?!  Three weeks from today, the packers arrive to start packing up our house here...and then the real chaos begins.  Going to be a busy month.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Rough Type, Stippled Stencils
Ink:  Basic Gray, Bordering Blue, Always Artichoke
Paper:  Basic Gray, Bordering Blue, Always Artichoke, Thick Basic White, Bella Birds DSP
Accessories:  None

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