Sunday, October 1, 2023

Birthday Bear

Hey y'all, how's your Sunday going?  I'm still trying to work through organizing the stuff upstairs...and downstairs...and pretty much everywhere.  It's going to be a work in progress for a while, I'm afraid.  Ryan and I were busy all day yesterday going to the zoo with his grandparents, and then today is Ice Cream Day--on the first of the month, we go out for ice cream to celebrate making it through another month with his dad away from us.  Three down, nine to go...we can do it!  After ice cream, I snuck up to my craft room to make a card real quick.

We have a lot of family birthdays coming up soon, starting with my brother-in-law.  I had to make a card for this week's fun Freshly Made Sketch:

And the beautiful autumnal colors from the Color Throwdown:

I used Old Olive (the DSP is technically Mossy Meadow, but I thought it worked fine with Old Olive for my card base), Copper Clay, Pecan Pie, Very Vanilla, and a bit of Early Espresso for a neutral.  And obviously I stuck with the theme in the Color Throwdown inspo pic.

I think the metallics in the DSP make this card pretty fancy.

Ryan appeared in my craft room as I was trying to take pictures of this card, and insisted that his latest Lego creation had to be in a picture.  I think it's a robot?  It's not a bear.

Well, I'd better go fold laundry before Ryan and I head out to watch the Paw Patrol movie with his cousins.  Do I know how to party or what!  I joke, but I like Paw Patrol pretty well so I'm perfectly happy to take him to the movies today.  All paws on deck!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Wildlife Wonder
Ink:  Pecan Pie, Early Espresso, Old Olive
Paper:  Old Olive, Early Espresso, Very Vanilla, All About Autumn DSP Stack
Accessories:  Rustic Metallic Dots


  1. This is a fantastic card! I love bears! Love that metallic DSP! Your brother-in-law will love it. Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  2. Fabulous of the sketch and great masculine design! Thanks for playing along with us at FMS this week.

  3. I am loving the DSP you used with that bear! Great card! And sometimes a good Paw Patrol movie is the perfect way to spend the afternoon!
