Monday, October 2, 2023

Maine: Dawn at the Lighthouse

Mornin' y'all!  I need to get this post written quickly and then go get ready--it's parent/teacher conference day at Ryan's school.  So here we go with more Maine pages!

Missy had included a dawn trip to a local lighthouse on her itinerary, but of course two small children would have strenuously objected to such a thing, so just Lee and Bennet went out that early to take pics for us.  Not too bad, right?

Today's color palette:  Seaside Spray (appropriate), So Saffron, Garden Green, Evening Evergreen, and Whisper White.

Happy OCTOBER and have a great week!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Make a Difference, Rough Edges Alphabets
Ink:  Garden Green, Seaside Spray, Evening Evergreen marker
Paper:  Seaside Spray, Garden Green, Thick Basic White, Sand & Sea DSP
Accessories:  None

1 comment:

  1. Seriously gorgeous photos, and I love the page for them too!
