Monday, October 30, 2023

Gourd Dogs

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I'm taking a brief pause from the Maine layouts to share a Halloweenie layout today with the punniest title ever.

Think about it--gourd = pumpkin, but also gourd dogs ~ guard dogs ~ good dogs.  This was the last scrapbook layout I finished in Germany and I had to let it stew for probably a week before I came up with that title.  After all, I'd already used Pupkins, but as in that case, when I finally came up with the punny title I cackled gleefully.  Out loud.  A lot.  Anyway, today's pics are all from Halloween in 2014, I miss my sweet babies.  We are looking forward to adopting a dog or two (or three, if you ask Ryan, though I don't think he'll win that argument with my hubs) next year after we get settled in Colorado.

Today's color palette is taken straight from the Cast-a-Spell DSP:  Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, Perfect Plum, and Basic Black.  Um, I just accidentally typed Perfect BUM instead of plum, ha!

Anyway, Ryan and I are going trick-or-treating with his cousins tomorrow night and I just bought my costume this morning.  Ryan says I need to have a costume because he thinks people would make fun of me if I don't, so here comes the No Drama Llama Mama.  Aww man, I need to get some heart-shaped sunglasses!  Cheers, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Carved & Candlelit, Headline Alphabet
Ink:  Pumpkin Pie, Old Olive, Memento Tuxedo Black, Basic Black marker
Paper:  Old Olive, Perfect Plum, Basic Black, Thick Basic White, Cast-A-Spell DSP
Accessories:  None

1 comment:

  1. :) Way to be the fun mom! I always tell my littles I am a "put together mom" which is TOTALLY different from the real me. Ha.
