Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bright Snapdragons

Mornin' y'all!  I have an extra card this week.  Yesterday's Sweet Peas card was actually the second one I made for the Freshly Made Sketches and Colour Throwdown challenges, here's the first one:

The Pretty in Pink just kinda looks a little muted or dirty on the snapdragons and I wasn't sure I liked it when I finished with it, so I made the Sweet Peas card.  Here's the sketch again:

And the colors:

I used the exact same shades as yesterday, Lemon Lolly, Pretty in Pink, and Shy Shamrock, plus a fair bit of Night of Navy for contrast.

If the hubs is feeling good enough, we might head out to a local farmers' market after breakfast, so I'm going to go make some eggs.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Inspiring Snapdragons, Everyday Details
Ink:  Pretty in Pink, Shy Shamrock, Night of Navy
Paper:  Pretty in Pink, Thick Basic White, Night of Navy DSP, Lighter than Air DSP Stack
Accessories:  Nested Essentials dies, Inspiring Snapdragons dies, In Color Dots, Dimensionals

Friday, August 30, 2024

HapPEA Birthday

Mornin' y'all and happy Friday.  Ryan is off school today and we all slept in a bit so that was nice :)  But now I'm ready to get the day started so how about a fun card?

I love the Sweet Peas stamp set that debuted in the main catalog this summer but it took me a while to get it inked up.  Couldn't resist using these party peas for this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

And here's a fun color combo from the Color Throwdown:

I used Lemon Lolly, Pretty in Pink, and Shy Shamrock for my colors, plus a little bit of Shaded Spruce for the top of the pea pod just for more contrast.  Love these colors together.

Anyway, it's time for me to get my workout done and then I have errands to run, so that's it for me, sweet peas.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Sweet Peas
Ink:  Night of Navy, Stampin' Blends in Pretty in Pink, Lemon Lolly, Shy Shamrock, Shaded Spruce
Paper:  Pretty in Pink, Lemon Lolly, Thick Basic White, Shy Shamrock & Pretty in Pink DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Nested Essentials dies, Dimensionals, In Color Dots

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dino-Riffic Birthday

Mornin' y'all!  My dino-loving Friend Krissy's birthday is coming up soon so I had to make her a dinosaur card to go with her gift, which went out in the mail yesterday in a fun rainbow-striped box!

I used this week's sketch from the Paper Players:

I made my card the standard size instead of a square because I just don't like making square cards.  I'm weird that way.  Krissy's favorite dinosaur is the stegosoarus; a while back I made her a steggy Hanukkah card : ). This time I started by choosing a couple of scraps from the Dinoroar DSP and went from there.  It was fun to play with Pineapple Punch and Mango Melody again even though they're retired.

Time to get Ryan off to school so that's it for me, peeps.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  No Bones About It
Ink:  Mango Melody, Pretty Peacock
Paper:  Pineapple Punch, Pretty Peacock, Thick Basic White, Dinoroar DSP
Accessories:  Blue rhinestones, Dimensionals, Lots of Labels dies

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Friendly Fiddler

Mornin' y'all!  I'm still a bit under the weather but I did make a couple of cards yesterday AND my fever is gone today, so that's good news.  And here's my card for today:

It's a triple challenge card starting with Inkspirational:

And I had to give the colors at Creative Colour Challenges a whirl:

I think this might be the first time I've played along over there.  I figured I could go whimsical for the colors with the images from Musical Jamboree, isn't that fiddler cute?

I'm also entering this at Shopping Our Stash, where the challenge is to make a "just because" card.  I usually send out around 3 to 5 cards a week (though last week I mailed out nine) and "just because" is the type of card I use most, so this challenge was a no-brainer for me.  And several of my most frequent recipients are musically inclined (we were in band together in middle school and high school) so a musical card is always good too.

It's almost time to get Ryan ready to go to school so I'm signing off.  Have a great day, peeps.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Musical Jamboree
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Petal Pink, Stampin' Blends in Crumb Cake, Petal Pink, Lost Lagoon
Paper:  Petal Pink, Thick Basic White
Accessories:  Deckled Rectangles dies

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

SUO Challenges: Go Team!

 Mornin' folks!  Get ready for a new challenge from SUO Challenges!

And here it is:

Okay, y'all.  Y'all.  I'm gonna level with you...I don't sportsball at all.  When I was growing up, my dad would watch football 3 to 4 nights a week between pro football, college football, and going to my high school's games because my brother and I were in the marching band.  Y'all.  I have personally attended 50+ football games and I still have NO IDEA what any of the rules are.  That is how little interest I have in sports.  Buuuuut I did go to college so I suppose I can count that as my team colors?

Let's hear it for Baylor green and gold!  And a Baylor Bear, because why not add the mascot on there too.  Ryan does not believe that they have real, live bears at Baylor football games and way back in the day they used to train the bears to drink Dr Pepper.  I don't know if they still do that.  Anyway, I adore my fluffy friend on this card.  I mixed patterns from the To Market DSP and the Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack to get Garden Green and Lemon Lolly.

So what are your team colors?  Could be a pro team, your college team, whatever your local high school is, whatever you want!  As always, have fun and upload your card to the SUO Challenges blog.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Fluffiest Friends, Bee My Valentine
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Stampin' Blends in Basic Black, Smoky Slate, Pecan Pie, Lemon Lolly, Shaded Spruce
Paper:  Lemon Lolly, Thick Basic White, To Market DSP, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Fluffiest Friends dies, Dimensionals

Monday, August 26, 2024


Scrappy Monday, y'all, it's time for the last of the Alpine Adventure pages.

After we came back down from the Eagle's Nest, we walked around downtown Berchtesgaden for a bit and got ice cream (of course).  Then we called it a day at around 3pm and the hubs and Ryan checked out our hotel pool--how ADORABLE is Ryan in that little bitty robe?!

Today's palette:  So Saffron, Cherry Cobbler, Blushing Bride, Blueberry Bushel, Early Espresso and white.  I don't use much Blushing Bride so that was a surprise, but it worked with the ice cream thingy that Ryan's hugging in one picture.

That's it for me, peeps, have a great day.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Alphabest, Carnival Treats, Fabulous Phrases
Ink:  Early Espresso, Blushing Bride, Pecan Pie, Cherry Cobbler
Paper:  So Saffron, Cherry Cobbler, Blueberry Bushel, Thick Basic White, Dashing Along DSP, Blushing Bride DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I'm Thinking Mauve

Mornin' y'all!  We're off to a slow start this weekend, the hubs hasn't been feeling good and yesterday afternoon my energy level went subzero for unknown reasons.  I don't feel bad, just tired.  But I had made a couple of cards on Thursday so I have one to share today.

I haven't played much with the 2023-2025 In Colors much because I like the brighter colors, but I had to give two of them a whirl for the Hand Stamped Sentiments Color Challenge:

I don't think I'll ever be overly fond of Wild Wheat, but I think I made it work here.  I paired that with the sketch from CAS Colours & Sketches:

That's it for me today, y'all.  Have a good weekend!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Thoughtful Expressions
Ink:  Blackberry Bliss, Stampin' Blends in Moody Mauve and Wild Wheat
Paper:  Moody Mauve, Thick Very Vanilla
Accessories:  Thoughtful Expressions dies, In Color Dots

Friday, August 23, 2024

Thoughtful Floral

Mornin' y'all!  I got to spend some time in my craft room yesterday making a few cards and working on some scrapbook pages.  Hooray!  So here's my card for today:

Okay what kind of flowers are these??  My brain was saying agapanthus and maybe they are, but my brain also says they should be bright pink and Google says agapanthus are bluish purple.  Well, paper flowers can be any color I want, so pink it is!  Also I loved the inspo pic from Just Add Ink:

I had a scrap of Blueberry Bushel striped paper which I thought echoed the stairs nicely, and when I was sticking things down I decided to do the opposite side of the paper for the middle panel just to add some interest.  That giant floral stamp from Best Thoughts popped in my head as soon as I saw this inspo pic.

Had to have another go at the Freshly Made Sketch this week too:

This card came together super quick except for the coloring, which was fun anyway.  That's it for me today, peeps, I've got to go get Ryan up and moving.  Usually he wakes up on his own before 7 but not here starts really late in my opinion, we don't leave the house until about 8.  At least it's less drama if he's getting himself up.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Best Thoughts
Ink:  Night of Navy, Stampin' Blends in Polished Pink, Berry Burst, Lemon Lime Twist, Granny Apple Green
Paper:  Granny Apple Green, Thick Basic White, Blueberry Bushel DSP
Accessories:  Potted Succulents dies, Dimensionals, brass butterflies

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cozy Cuppa

Mornin' y'all!  I didn't get quite as much craft room time as I wanted to yesterday (I need to work on my time management skills...I get distracted) but I did make a card for today!

Check out this week's fun sketch from Freshly Made Sketches:

And the Color Throwdown:

The inspo pic just looked so COZY and it 100% drove what I chose for stamp sets today.  I used Boho Blue, Very Vanilla, and Crumb Cake for my colors, with a bit of Pecan Pie for the coffee (even though I don't drink coffee, I'm a tea girl).  Some In Color dots from last year's catalog and my card was finished.  Like I said, I don't drink coffee, but a lot of my friends do so I'm sure this will get sent out soon!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Latte Love, Drizzling Droplets
Ink:  Crumb Cake, Boho Blue, Pecan Pie, Stampin' Blends in Boho Blue & Pecan Pie
Paper:  Crumb Cake, Thick Very Vanilla
Accessories:  In Color Dots, Dimensionals

Speaking of cozy, while the hubs and I were out antiquing on Tuesday, I found this:

It's a little quilt about 3 feet square and I bought it to go on my dining table or island counter to decorate for Thanksgiving (I like to host Thanksgiving with as many people as I can because more people = more PIES to make!) and it was only $6.  I recently bought three cross stitch patterns that are quilt inspired and done in fall colors, so yesterday I went out and bought the thread for all three of them:

Most of the reds are on the bottom I think.  Anyway, at some point, I will have those cross stitched pieces done and framed to go on the little quilt.  Most likely not for this Thanksgiving since I haven't started yet, but maybe next year's.  Gotta love starting new projects!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blueberry Salutations

Hey y'all, happy Wednesday!  The hubs is back at work today and while we did enjoy checking out antique stores yesterday on a mini-road trip, I'm looking forward to having the house to myself when Ryan goes to school so I can spend some time in my craft room today ; )  I managed to make this card on Sunday in between other activities:

Check out the Paper Players challenge:

I chose Blueberry Bunches for my stamp set just because it was easy to find on my current stamps shelf, though I could easily do this challenge with a myriad of other fruit because I have quite a few fruity stamp sets on the shelves of retirement.  I paired this challenge with the sketch from Sunday Stamps:

To make it more CAS but keep the integrity of the sketch, I made a mask and sponged a square on my card base to cut down on the number of layers.  Then I die cut a scrap of Lemon Lime Twist DSP and layered my fussy cut blueberry bunch on top, et voilĂ !  One cute card that I'm sure will be going out in the mail pretty soon.  I have no fewer than 8 cards on my craft table right now that I'm going to write in and mail out today : )

That's it for me today unless I crank out a few more fruity cards after Ryan goes to school.  Have a great day, peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Blueberry Bunches
Ink:  Night of Navy, Coastal Cabana, Stampin' Blends in Azure Afternoon, Blueberry Bushel, Lemon Lime Twist, Granny Apple Green
Paper:  Coastal Cabana, Thick Basic White, Lemon Lime Twist DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Dimensionals

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Vintage Halloween

Mornin' y'all!  Hubs took yesterday off work so we did a bunch of running around, looking at light fixtures for our living room and stuff like that.  He's off today so we plan to go look at some antique shops while Ryan is at school.  And that kinda fits in with the challenge I played in today from As You See It:

 The challenge graphic is all creams and pastels but I decided to go vintage Halloween for my card : )

To me, vintage and shabby chic mean lots of layers, lots of sponging, lace trim, and All The Bling.  So first I dug out some black crochet trim and remembered the spiderweb doilies that I've had for years at this point.  Back in 2020, when the holiday catalog came out, we were in the big fat middle of moving to Germany and so I didn't get the Halloween stuff that year because I knew I would be craft room-less for several months.  Well, this year I bought that Halloween stuff on a Facebook group : )  And this is the maiden voyage for Hallows Night Magic; I did buy the Magic In This Night DSP back in 2020.  I used a couple of patterns and then stamped my Halloween greeting on white cardstock and sponged it with Smoky Slate and Basic Gray.  The spider is embossed with shimmery black embossing powder, do you remember that stuff?  I love it.  I also added a bit of Wink of Stella to the flowers just for more bling, and added a few black rhinestones.  I had so much fun making this, I am ready to start Halloween crafting!

That's it for me today, peeps.  I can't wait to break out all the rest of my Halloween crafting supplies : )  We're already having pumpkin coffee cake for Sunday breakfast because Ryan thinks it's great year-round (I have to agree with him on that).  Have a great day, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Hallows Night Magic
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Smoky Slate, Basic Gray, Versamark, Stampin' Blends in Cajun Craze and Pretty Peacock
Paper:  Basic Black, Thick Basic White, Magic In This Night DSP
Accessories:  Halloween Magic dies, shimmery black EP, spiderweb doily, black crochet trim, black rhinestones, Dimensionals, Wink of Stella

Monday, August 19, 2024

Eagle's Nest

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Hope you had a good weekend.  Ours was good up until we went on a bike ride yesterday and Ryan took a spill; he skinned one knee pretty good.  So then we spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch and watched a movie together.

Anyway, how about a scrapbook layout for today?

I put together all my Alpine Adventure layouts and then went back and added the titles, embellishments, and journaling.  When I first put together this one, I had intended to do a beer glass for the embellishment to go with the pic of the hubs and Ryan with the beer, but I forgot and ended up doing feathers to go with the Eagle's Nest page title.

Today's palette:  Dapper Denim, Garden Green, Delightful Dijon, Soft Suede, and white.  The patterned paper I used is from the Painted Christmas DSP, I liked the pine branches to go with all the trees in the pictures.

That's it for me today, peeps.  Hope your week is off to a good start!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Alphabest, Fine Feathers
Ink:  Garden Green, Soft Suede, Night of Navy marker
Paper:  Dapper Denim, Garden Green, Delightful Dijon, Thick Basic White, Painted Christmas DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies

Friday, August 16, 2024

Testing 1-2-3

Happy Friday, y'all!  Ryan is off school today for some unknown reason, but he's just hanging out quietly with his iPad for now.  In a little bit we'll have to go grocery shopping which I'm sure he won't like, but it's gotta be done--we're having friends over for dinner tomorrow and I'm making lasagna : )

So here's my retro card for today:

Anyone recognize that stamp set?  I've been considering whether or not I want to add the new Tune In bundle to my collection, but I've had Stay Tuned since 2007 and only used it once before this.  It is very retro--17 years!--for the Retro Rubber Challenge:

I have three tic-tac-toes: diagonal from top right, bottom row, and right column.  I dug out a bunch of DSP scraps for the background and just kept cutting out shapes until I liked it.  The TV screen is embossed with clear powder to give it a bit of shine even if it doesn't show up in the picture.  A couple of silver Festive Pearls on the TV dials counts for metallics, and I used another taffeta ribbon since I had the box out for yesterday's card.  And I suppose I'll count fussy cutting for the "your choice" block.

I also used the mood board from Inkspirational:

Love the fun colors on this one!  I used Coastal Cabana, Pumpkin Pie, Granny Apple Green, and Daffodil Delight, with Early Espresso for my TV and a light Pool Party blend to color the screen.

So that's it for me today.  I have several things I want to do around the house as well as wrangling Ryan to go grocery shopping, so I'd better get with it.  Then Ryan is going to a parents' night out at the local community center and the hubs and I are going on a date : )  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Stay Tuned
Ink:  Early Espresso, Granny Apple Green, Pool Party Blend, Versamark
Paper:  Granny Apple Green, Thick Basic White, DSP scraps in Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Coastal Cabana
Accessories:  Nested Essentials dies, white taffeta ribbon, clear EP, Festive Pearls, Dimensionals

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Mornin' y'all!  Hope your week is going well.  I'm feeling pretty good, I've started working out again this week, starting slow with some yoga and stretching and then a more intense workout today.  It's good to get back in that routine again!

I also love getting back in the stampin' groove and for today's card I *finally* got to break in a stamp set I got ages ago and just hadn't inked up yet!

This is me whenever I have to pick up my kid from school, not because I don't want to see him but because it's so chaotic and the school administration does nothing to make it work better.  Anyway, I left my little grumPEA on a pretty CAS design lifted from this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

And I was happy to see green in this week's Color Throwdown:

I used Daffodil Delight, Crumb Cake, and Garden Green for my colors, though the blends are Shaded Spruce because we don't have Garden Green blends.  Why??  I busted out some old kraft taffeta ribbon; it is my favorite ribbon ever and I've got an entire photo box of it so I might as well use it.  The die I used is long-retired too.

That's it for me today, peeps.  I've already got a card for tomorrow's post too so maybe I can work on a scrapbook layout today!  After I finish that cookbook project from yesterday...cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Sweet Peas
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Stampin' Blends in Shaded Spruce and Crumb Cake
Paper:  Garden Green, Thick Basic White, Daffodil Delight DSP
Accessories:  Deco Labels dies, kraft taffeta ribbon, Dots for Days, Dimensionals

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Happy Little Rainbow

Hey y'all, how's your Wednesday starting off?  I spent some time yesterday organizing our storage closet (for the third time!) and today's plans include grocery shopping and organizing my personal cookbooks.  I have two giant binders of recipes; ones I've used and liked, I type up on the computer, print them out, and put them in plastic page protectors in the binders.  I tend to make a mess when I cook, so the page protectors keep the recipes clean : )  And then any recipes that I find on the internet that I want to try, I print them out and put them in the appropriate section of the binders so I can find all the chicken recipes in one place.  But I have a giant stack of recipes to try that I haven't put in the cookbooks yet.

Anyway, enough yapping about my cookbooks.  I have a card to share today!

A couple of months ago, I joined a group on Facebook for buying and selling retired Stampin' Up! products, thinking that I would thin out some things that I just don't use...but really all I've done so far is buy several stamp sets ; )  Rainbow of Happiness was the first thing to come to mind when I saw the Paper Players color challenge:

I used Gray Granite for the greeting stamp on my rainbow and otherwise kept strictly to the challenge colors.  I thought that Stitched So Sweetly die shape was perfect with the rainbow, so I floated that on some stitched rectangles but the card still needed something.  Happily I found some Lemon Lolly baker's twine in my stash, which was just the touch this card needed.

When I was little (like under the age of 7), my bedroom was painted yellow very similar to Lemon Lolly, and I had an accent wall done with rainbow wallpaper, so this card reminds me of that bedroom.  It's already out in the mail to my parents.  Adult me absolutely loathes wallpaper though so good thing there isn't any in our house or I'd be stripping it off post haste.  Still want to paint everything though.

Okay, time to get the kiddo ready for school.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Rainbow of Happiness
Ink:  Flirty Flamingo, Lemon Lolly, Soft Sea Foam, Gray Granite
Paper:  Lemon Lolly, Soft Sea Foam, Thick Basic White, Flirty Flamingo DSP
Accessories:  Stitched So Sweetly dies, Stitched Rectangles dies, Dimensionals, Lemon Lolly baker's twine

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

SUO Challenges: Favorite Technique

Happy Tuesday y'all, are you ready for a new challenge from SUO Challenges?

'Cause here it is!

I had to think about this one for a while because I don't really think I do a lot of techniques per se.  I mean, does coloring with Blends count as a technique?  (Maybe not the way I do it, I know there are a lot of way more incredible alcohol marker artists out there.)  But as it happened, when I made this card back in June (I was working ahead, knowing that we were moving to Colorado in July), I had done a couple of cards with watercoloring.  My StazOn stamp pad is bone-dry at the moment, so I have to use something different to stamp with.  Memento ink is great for alcohol markers but not watercoloring, so I like to ink up my outline stamp with Versamark, then whatever color I want for the outline, stamp it, and then emboss with clear embossing powder.  (Here is a card where I used different colors for the outlines so you can see what I mean.)

So having chosen my technique, I needed to choose a stamp set, and here's what I made:

I totally love Musical Jamboree, which is hiding out on page 125 of the catalog.  This singing coyote and his musical compatriots just make me smile every time.  So I used Versamark plus Early Espresso to stamp the coyote and the campfire, embossed with clear EP, and then went to town watercoloring everything.  Basic White isn't a great choice if you want your watercolors to actually blend, but it worked for the style I was going for on this card and I am particularly proud of the freckly texture on the coyote's fur.  So there's my technique!

I hope y'all have lots of techniques to share with us on the SUO Challenges blog, I'm always down to learn new things.  Have fun!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Musical Jamboree
Ink:  Versamark, Early Espresso, Pebbled Patch, Peach Pie, Lost Lagoon, Pretty in Pink, Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Misty Moonlight
Paper:  Pebbled Path, Gray Granite, Thick Basic White, Lily Pond Lane DSP Stack
Accessories:  Deckled Rectangles dies, clear EP, Dimensionals, In Color Shimmer Gems

Monday, August 12, 2024

Salzbergwerk Salt Mine

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I just did my first workout in over a month so now I feel like we're finally getting back to a "normal" routine.  I'll have to start back kinda slow since it's been so long, but it feels good to get moving in the morning!

Okay, on to today's scrapbook pages.  Today's adventure:  a salt mine.

This is not our first visit to a salt mine; the hubs and I went to one in Krakow in 2014 (and I've scrapped that too, see it here).  This mine was cool because you ride around on a little train (hence my train accent), you slide down two giant wooden slides, and you take a little cruise across an underground salt lake.  I don't think we were allowed to take pictures in the mine itself, which is why we bought the two pics from the salt mine; the other four pics are of the front of the building and then the mountains across the way.

Oh yeah, just like his dad, Ryan had to lick the wall in the salt mine to see if it really did taste like salt.  (It did.)

Today's color palette:  Petal Pink, Grapefruit Grove, Cucumber Crush, Shaded Spruce, Basic Gray, and white.  I don't use Petal Pink as a page base very often since I live with two dudes, but it seemed to work here.

Ryan will be off to school in about a half hour and then I'll be sorting through some things that we want to sell, so I've got a busy day ahead.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Alphabest, All Aboard
Ink:  Shaded Spruce, Basic Gray, Evening Evergreen marker
Paper:  Petal Pink, Grapefruit Grove, Shaded Spruce, Cucumber Crush, Thick Basic White, Painted Seasons DSP
Accessories:  None

Friday, August 9, 2024

Strawberries for You

Hey y'all, happy Friday!  We had some drama last night--Ryan bonked a loose tooth with his toothbrush at bedtime last night, and after a lot of tears he managed to pull the tooth himself.  And I think he totally forgot to check this morning if the Tooth Fairy came to visit or not!

Anywha, I've been having fun getting settled in my new craft room and today I played with a retired stamp set.

I had strawberries on the brain from the Color Throwdown inspo pic this week, but I decided to use the Hand Stamped Sentiments inspo pic for my colors:

I love having Basic Beige as a color, I think it fills the hole left when Sahara Sand retired and I like that it's softer than Crumb Cake.  I also used Pretty in Pink, Regal Rose, Lemon Lime Twist, and Granny Apple Green to mimic the colors in the inspo pic.  And I had to have another go at the Freshly Made Sketch:

That's it for me right now, peeps.  Ryan is off school today as they're doing assessments for all the elementary schoolers; his appointment is in an hour and a half so he could have totally slept in this morning, but nope, he was up at 6:30.  We're going to run some errands after his appointment and tonight we get to have dinner with some friends.  Hooray!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Sweet Strawberry
Ink:  Pretty in Pink, Regal Rose, Lemon Lime Twist, Granny Apple Green
Paper:  Basic Beige, Thick Basic White, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Perennial Postage dies, Strawberry builder punch, In Color Shimmer Gem, Mini Dimensionals