Monday, September 18, 2017

Forbidden City, Part 1

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I thought we'd start out this week with some China pages, because I've been doing a lot of work on China pages.

See the pics here.  That dude on the right page?  That was our Beijing tour guide, whom we detested...his English name was Jack, but we quickly started calling him You Don't Know Jack (or YDKJ for short) because he was terrible.  Most of the time he didn't seem to know where we were going (umm hello, he's the tour guide, it's his job to know where we're going) and once we got to the Forbidden City, he ran us through it as fast as he could herd the group, not even letting anyone stop at souvenir shops.  We stopped in a courtyard on the other side of the Forbidden City to wait for our bus driver, and then he tried to sell us his own souvenir junk.  The only reason he got tipped at all at the end of our stay in Beijing is because we were dependent upon him to get to the airport.

Enough about Jack, let's talk scrapbook pages!  This color combination was a bit of a surprise for me; I haven't used Peach Parfait a lot (it's a bit darker than the current Peekaboo Peach) but it seemed to work with these photos.  I ended up doing three Forbidden City layouts and they all use this same color combination.

And there it is:  Peach Parfait, Riding Hood Red, So Saffron, and a bit of black and white.

Well, today is the hubs' first day back at work after pretty much six weeks off with his injury and subsequent back surgery.  So now I have to figure out all over again how to get into a routine with just me and Ryan and the doggos! :)  We're heading to the gym in a few minutes.  Cheers, y'all!

Stamps:  Rough Type, Best of Shelli
Ink:  Riding Hood Red, Basic Black
Paper:  Peach Parfait, Riding Hood Red, So Saffron, Thick Whisper White, Twitterpated DSP
Accessories:  Lettering template

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