Monday, September 16, 2024

Heidelberg (The First Time)

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Well, it's almost time--this Wednesday is when the hubs has brain surgery.  We have a friend coming to stay on Tuesday night and get Ryan to school on Wednesday morning so I can take the hubs to the hospital early that morning and be there while he's in surgery and when he comes out.  All the positive vibes are appreciated; he's pretty nervous about this.  I have a friend who had a similar surgery done about 10 years ago so we've been asking her questions about what to expect.

So anyway, I'll probably schedule some posts for the next few days and we'll see how everything goes.  In the meantime, it's Scrappy Monday and I have some pages!

For our very first road trip in Germany, I chose Heidelberg, mostly because Missy used to live there when she was a wee young lass and her dad was in the Army.  We got absolutely poured on the whole way there but we lucked out; the skies cleared and we never got rained on while we were exploring the town.  We went back there a couple of times while we lived in Germany; it was maybe a little over an hour away from our house and it's such a neat little town.  Plus there's a big castle ruin up on the hill and that's always cool.

I was looking for the layout that I did of our house in Germany to share today, couldn't find it in my draft posts and finally figured out that I posted it last spring when we were house shopping here in Colorado.  Ha!

Today's color palette:  Fresh Fig, River Rock, Really Rust, Wild Wasabi, and Very Vanilla.  I got to use purple on scrapbook pages, y'all!  When I do something with fall colors, I like to use a deep blue usually to offset the warm tones a bit, and this time I branched out and went with purple instead.  The Apple Cider DSP I used has been in my stash for a super long time and it was fun to play with that again.  I've been playing with older stamp sets a lot lately, but I've also been making things with my brand new mini catalog haul; it's just that most of those cards are for future design team work so I can't share them yet ; )

Wow, it's almost 7 and I'm still the only one up in this house.  I actually got my entire workout and meditation done with no interruptions this morning!  Okay, the hubs is awake, but he's still upstairs, and since Ryan hadn't come down with the iPad it's been a peaceful morning.  Not for much longer though, he'll have to get up for school soon.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Alphabet Antiques Upper & Lower
Ink:  Fresh Fig
Paper:  Fresh Fig, Really Rust, Wild Wasabi, Thick Very Vanilla, Apple Cider DSP
Accessories:  None

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spooktacular Pumpkins

Hey y'all, happy Sunday.  Per Ryan's request (it was his turn to pick), I made orange scones for breakfast this morning.  : )  I think next weekend it's time for a pumpkin coffee cake.

And today it's time for a pumpkin card!

We're kickin' it old skool today to go with the Retro Rubber Challenge:

I used Elegant Eggplant, Highland Heather, Crushed Curry, Peach Parfait (I think?  We've had three colors with peach in the name and I get them mixed up, I just know it wasn't Peach Pie I used this time), and Tangerine Tango.  Carved & Candlelit was one of the first few Stampin' Up! stamp sets I ever bought and it's been in my collection for 18 years!  Spooktacular Bash (which I used for the greeting) is less retro at only five years old.  Even my embellishments are retro on this card.

I also used the sketch from As You See It:

And I'm quite chuffed to share that my Perfectly Preserved card was the winner of their last challenge : )  See, it's FUN to play with older stamps!  Thanks to the AYSI team for choosing my card, I enjoy playing along with the challenges.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Carved & Candlelit, Spooktacular Bash
Ink:  Tangerine Tango, Peach Parfait, Highland Heather, Elegant Eggplant
Paper:  Crushed Curry, Elegant Eggplant, Thick Basic White, Elegant Eggplant & Highland Heather DSP
Accessories:  1 1/2" and 1 3/4" circle punches, Candy Dots, Sycamore Street ribbon, Dimensionals

When I'm not stamping or scrapping...or other other hobby is cross stitching, and last week I finished up two projects:

These are patterns by Satsuma Street in the Pretty Little Cities line.  The designer hasn't released any new Pretty Little Cities in a few years though, so I think I'll have to design my own for Texas and Colorado.  They're *called* Pretty Little Cities but sometimes it's not a city, it's a state or a country--I've also made Pretty Little Hawaii and Pretty Little Italy.  Plus more than a dozen other ones.  I've already started a new project that's making my little autumn-loving heart happy, it's a quilt-inspired design in some fabulous fall colors.  The hubs wonders how I can be at the house all day without going stir crazy but I am very, very good at entertaining myself--I always have multiple projects going, either paper or stitching.  I never get bored!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Earthen Elegance Trees

Hey y'all, how's your weekend going?  We're having a quiet lazy morning but the plumber and tile guy are supposed to come back this afternoon (yeah, now there's TWO guys working on the shower problem!).  We know what happened at least--somehow the tile guy got self-leveling compound down the drain, where it hardened into a giant lump and totally blocked the pipe, though we don't know how or where the leak started yet.  So now we have a couple of holes cut in our ceiling downstairs to access the pipe, which will also have to be cut out and replaced, and hopefully we won't have any MORE problems.

Anyway, I have a card to share today:

I actually made this months ago for an SUO Challenges challenge but then the challenge got changed before it was posted and I've just been sitting on this card since, like, April.  I used the online exclusive set Encircled in Nature and the now-retired Earthen Elegance DSP and this card got mailed out weeks ago, so more than time to post it here.

For now, I'm going to go upstairs and start doing an inventory on my hard-copy cross stitch patterns.  I just started a new project yesterday (yay new project!!) but I need to look through all my patterns and decide what's next.  And then I'll probably stitch for a while and finish watching Charade with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant because I only got halfway through it yesterday.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Encircled in Nature
Ink:  Misty Moonlight, Copper Clay
Paper:  Copper Clay, Night of Navy, Thick Very Vanilla, Earthen Elegance DSP
Accessories:  Deckled Circles dies, Tinsel Gems, Dimensionals

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sending Love

Mornin' y'all!  I'm sleepy this morning...the hubs has been having trouble sleeping, which means *I* have trouble sleeping.  Hopefully things will get better after the surgery next week.

Anyway, I mentioned that I had made a couple of cards on Wednesday that I just wasn't thrilled with when I finished, and here's one of them:

I did enjoy playing with the new Regal Flora bundle but I think I was trying too hard to make multiple challenges work together for me.  I do like the sketch from Try a Sketch on Tuesday:

And the floral theme at Inspire. Create. was an easy add:

I think it was the colors from The Card Concept that tripped me up:

I used Melon Mambo, Basic Black, Crushed Curry, and Boho Blue, which look great together--my problem was finding patterned paper that worked with what I was going for and I don't think it really gelled quite right.  But not every card can be your favorite, right?  And I got to practice layering lots of die-cut images for a clean-and-layered style card.

Almost time to get the kiddo off to school and then I get to do the super-fun grocery shopping.  We'll see if the contractor actually shows up today (he didn't yesterday) to fix whatever is wrong with our shower now.  So ready to have our shower back and functional!

Cheers, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Regal Flora
Ink:  Boho Blue, Melon Mambo, Crushed Curry
Paper:  Basic Black, Thick Basic White, Thoughtful Journey DSP Stack, Full of Life DSP Stack
Accessories:  Stitched Shapes dies, Regal Flora dies, Dimensionals, Wink of Stella, In Color Dots

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Perfectly Lovely Autumn Day

Mornin', y'all.  Yesterday morning was a doozie what with the shower shenanigans but theoretically the contractor is supposed to come back this morning and try to figure out what he did wrong.  And we have a date for the hubs' surgery (next Wednesday) so at least we're finally moving on that point too.

I made two cards yesterday afternoon but I wasn't real thrilled with either of them.  Hardly a surprise given how frazzled I was (I had to do some chocolate therapy.)  So this morning I made a real fast card kinda based on one of the ones I worked on yesterday and I think I like it better.  Here it is:

I started with this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

I drew a blank at first when I saw this yesterday, but then I thought of the larger sentiment stamps in my brand new Autumn Expressions set and went to work.  Here's the Color Throwdown:

I used Cherry Cobbler, Pecan Pie (it says terracotta, but it looked more like brown to me, I think of terracotta as being more orange) and Mossy Meadow.  What a cozy inspo pic, too!

If you're curious, here's my first version:

I used a teeny bit of the new Regal Winter DSP and a smaller oval for the sentiment.  So for my card this morning, I went with a larger oval to let the sentiment "breathe" a bit more, eliminated the DSP, and did three leaves and three of the smaller size speckled dots.  Small tweaks, but I think I like this morning's version better.

Got a busy day today with the contractor theoretically coming this morning and then getting the hubs a CT scan this afternoon, which is part of his surgery prep.  And I'm trying to decide if I want to make from-scratch cinnamon rolls for dinner tonight...cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Autumn Expressions
Ink:  Mossy Meadow, Cherry Cobbler
Paper:  Pecan Pie, Thick Very Vanilla
Accessories:  Autumn Expressions dies, Stylish Shapes dies, Speckled Dots, Dimensionals

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Apple Picking

It's not quite 6 a.m. here and we've already had an exciting morning.  We just had our shower floor replaced and this morning was the first time we've used it since doesn't drain.  At all.  The contractor must have put some kind of plug in it and forgotten to take it out before he finished.  So 10 minutes after the hubs got out of the shower, we noticed a dripping sound...the water was coming through the ceiling to downstairs.  So we grabbed a bucket and bailed 3-4 giant buckets of water out of there as fast as we could, put down towels to get the rest, and there's still water slowly dripping through the light fixture downstairs.  Oh, and today is the day we *finally* have the hubs' initial appointment at the neurosurgery clinic and hopefully get a date for his brain surgery.  When it rains, it pours...but it should NOT rain inside the house.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I got to play with some new stamps and here is my very first card with my holiday catalog stuff:

Still with the apple theme : )  I used this week's color challenge from the Paper Players:

I used Poppy Parade, Daffodil Delight, and Azure Afternoon, and the Tinsel Gems are Blueberry Bushel but I thought they worked here.

I'm also entering this at Shopping Our Stash, where the theme is using something that you have a lot of and yet keep buying more of and yep, guilty over here.  I have literally hundreds of stamp sets (I can think of at least seven other apple-related stamp sets in my collection without trying hard) and thousands of sheets of patterned paper, but for the card I made today, I used one of my brand new stamp sets and a brand new DSP stack.  I also got three new types of embellishments in that order, though I used some Tinsel Gems I already had for this card ; )

Okay, I'm hoping that we have exhausted all of our bad luck for today and that we can get this shower thing fixed ASAP.  Not to mention getting the hubs' brain fixed as well.  Positive vibes would be appreciated, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Warms My Heart
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Daffodil Delight, Stampin' Blends in Daffodil Delight, Azure Afternoon, Poppy Parade, Pecan Pie, Petal Pink, Gray Granite
Paper:  Poppy Parade, Thick Basic White, Brights DSP Stack
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Tinsel Gems, Dimensionals

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

SUO Challenges: The Highlander Challenge

 Mornin' y'all!  It's time again for a new challenge at SUO Challenges!

This particular challenge came from my diabolical brain...

I call it the Highlander challenge because there can be only ONE...stamp.  (Okay my knowledge of Highlander is limited to "There can be only one" and a mental image of Sean Connery with a sword.)  At least one other stamper on the design team was like WHAT how is that possible, but I think the easiest way to do this challenge is to pick a great DSP and add a sentiment.  BAM.

The Thoughtful Journey DSP was too gorgeous to not use the whole sheet though so I made two cards.

The stamp on this one is from Feathered Flight in the Online Exclusives.  Super, super simple with the gorgeous DSP, a die cut sentiment, and one Boho Blue gem.

For this one, I used a sentiment from Thoughtful Expressions and two In Color Shimmer Gems in Petunia Pop.  I thought this would be a nice sympathy card, and I like to make those when I don't need them so I have a couple on hand.

So there's two ideas from me and I could have done a lot more with different DSPs and let's be honest I probably will.  Hope you have as much fun with this as I did and don't forget to upload your cards to the SUO Challenges blog.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Feathered Flight, Thoughtful Expressions
Ink:  Mossy Meadow
Paper:  Boho Blue, Mossy Meadow, Petunia Pop, Thick Basic White, Thoughtful Journey DSP Stack
Accessories:  Countryside Corners dies, Thoughtful Expressions dies, Dimensionals, retired Solid Gems, In Color Shimmer Gems

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 2020

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  The hubs decided this morning that we should run a bunch of errands after we drop Ryan off at school, but I'm hoping to have time to play with my BRAND NEW SCHTUFF this afternoon.  So far all I've gotten to do is unpack the box and look at the stuff!

But for now, scrapbook pages!

This is from right when we got to Germany; I mentioned that we were confined to our room for a couple of weeks BUT we were allowed to go walking in a small patch of woods near our suite.  And then once we were out of quarantine, Ryan loved playing in the playground right next to our building, see how dirty he got?  Then the bottom three pictures on the right page are when we first looked at the house we ended up renting for our time in Germany.  I did another layout after we moved in the house.

Today's color palette:  Boho Blue, Bumblebee, Sweet Sorbet, Misty Moonlight, Night of Navy, and white.  I made these pages not long after Boho Blue was introduced as an In Color.

Okay, time to get this show on the road.  Peace out, peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Full Calendar, Honeybee Home
Ink:  Boho Blue, Night of Navy, Stampin' Blends in So Saffron, Smoky Slate, Boho Blue
Paper:  Boho Blue, Misty Moonlight, Sweet Sorbet, Harvest Meadow DSP
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes & Honeybee Blooms dies

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pail of Apples

Mornin' y'all!  I'm in an apple mood this weekend--made apple cobbler last night for dessert and then apple crumb muffins this morning for breakfast.  And an apple card to share today!

Breaking out another old retired set for this one, it's called Give Thanks.  And this is a multi-challenge card, starting with Just Add Ink:

I used the leaf stamp for some foliage and Sweet Sorbet baker's twine for string.  Next up is Inkspirational:

Had some fun with my Stampin' Blends so that counts for this challenge!  Now how about Inspired By...:

The metal bucket in the inspo pic made me think of the stamp image with the apples in a metal pail, so that's how I chose my stamp set.  Last up is Festive Friday:

Thought I'd give this challenge another whirl and take my time with it this time, since last time I paired it with a speed stamping challenge.  This time I used fruity colors, twine, gingham, scalloped edges, and fruit.  Some of the supplies overlap with the first card I made for this, but why change it if it works? ; )

That's it for me today, peeps.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Give Thanks
Ink:  Lemon Lime Twist, Versamark, Memento Tuxedo Black, Stampin' Blends in Sweet Sorbet, Lemon Lime Twist, Gray Granite, Balmy Blue, neutrals
Paper:  Sweet Sorbet, Lemon Lime Twist, Thick Basic White, Gingham Gala DSP Stack
Accessories:  Stitched So Sweetly dies, Stitched Shapes dies, Sweet Sorbet baker's twine, white EP, Dimensionals, Shiny Sequins

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lavender Note

Hey y'all, happy Saturday!  And it WILL be a happy Saturday, I finally got to do my first order from the holiday mini catalog and it's supposed to arrive today.  After I do some yoga this morning and then run some errands (that grocery shopping ain't going to do itself...) I can reward myself with some new stamping toys!  : )

I promised that I would have a Color Throwdown card to share this week and here it is:

And here's the challenge:

I went with Bermuda Bay, Gorgeous Grape, and Shaded Spruce for my colors, which just begged for me to get out Painted Lavender and have some fun.  I had started out with a white card base but then decided to just go for it and do lots more purple.  The thing that took the longest on this card?  Placing the die-cut sprigs behind the lavender bunch.  A simple "just a note" from Musical Jamboree and there's my card.

Okay, I'm going to get started for the day and hopefully my nice fat SU! box will be here by the time I'm done running errands.  Have a great day, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Painted Lavender, Musical Jamboree
Ink:  Gorgeous Grape, Highland Heather, Shaded Spruce, Bermuda Bay
Paper:  Gorgeous Grape, Shaded Spruce, Bermuda Bay, Thick Basic White, Butterfly Brilliance DSP Stack
Accessories:  Painted Lavender dies, Stylish Shapes dies, Purple Shimmer Gems, Dimensionals, Wink of Stella

Friday, September 6, 2024

Mouse Hugs

Happy Friday, y'all!  We've got a busy day ahead with hopefully having the new tile floor laid in our shower, and I am working on taking pictures of a whole bunch of stuff I want to sell.  Wish me luck on that, we really want to get rid of stuff!

But not any of my stamps and crafty supplies ; )  Here's today's card:

I got Hearts & Hugs before we moved this summer but this is the first time I've inked up any of the cute huggy animals.  I'll be entering this at the Anything Goes challenge at Critter Crazy Challenges; my mouse may be small, but she's the main focus of the card.

Next up is a great sketch from Hand Stamped Sentiments:

And finally the colors from Creative Colour Challenges:

I figured Gray Granite and Melon Mambo were perfect for my heart-holding mouse, and the Night of Navy made a good contrast to the other two colors.  And I even have Melon Mambo embossing powder in my stash from back when we had lots of different color options.  Fun!

That's it for me today, peeps.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Hearts & Hugs
Ink:  Night of Navy, Versamark, Stampin' Blends in Gray Granite, Melon Mambo, Pretty in Pink
Paper:  Night of Navy, Thick Basic White, Gray Granite & Melon Mambo DSP
Accessories:  Hearts & Hugs dies, Hearts Collection Framelits, Melon Mambo EP, white dots

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bold & Bright Submarine

Hey y'all!  How's your Thursday going?  It's been raining here since yesterday afternoon and pretty soon I think we'll need one of these...

I was joking yesterday that we should paint the outside of our house yellow and call it the Yellow Submarine.  Ryan was all for it since yellow is his favorite color : )  But this time I've got a lime green sub!  I think my Lemon Lime Twist ink pad is extra juicy because it almost looks Granny Apple Green when I stamp with it.  Anywha, I wanted the boldest stripes and spots in my paper arsenal for this week's Paper Players challenge:

I managed to use all scraps for this card, too.  I almost entered yesterday's dragonfly card there because it has spots and stripes too, but I really wanted to go for the gusto.  And I also really want to dig up my one stamp set with Dalmatians in it too because of that inspo pic on the lower right.

Anyway, I used this week's Freshly Made Sketch:

Usually I pair this challenge with the Color Throwdown, but fear not, I have a Color Throwdown card coming up soon.  I just really wanted to get my bold bright submarine card made before I tackled that challenge ; )

Glad I get to stay nice and dry in the car when I drop Ryan off at school.  Ha!  Stay toasty, folks!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Submarine Life
Ink:  Lemon Lime Twist, Azure Afternoon, Berry Burst
Paper:  Azure Afternoon, Thick Basic White, Bright & Beautiful DSP Stack
Accessories:  Submarine builder punch, Stylish Shapes dies, Rainbow Dots, Dimensionals

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dragonfly Friend

 Mornin' y'all!  Gotta write this quick because it's almost time to take Ryan to school.  So here's today's card!

Playing around with more retired stamps for today's card.  Take a look at the Inspire. Create. sketch:

Getting in just under the wire there : )  Next up is Cupcake Inspirations:

I entered a card for their 600th birthday challenge and found out on Monday that I won a drawing for a $50 gift card!  Woohoo, so exciting!

Finally I'm entering this at the Color Hues challenge:

I used Copper Clay and Shaded Spruce, which I thought were good colors for my friendly dragonfly.  Gotta run now, cheers peeps!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Dragonfly Dreams
Ink:  Shaded Spruce, Copper Clay
Paper:  Shaded Spruce, Thick Basic Vanilla, Shaded Spruce DSP, All About Autumn DSP Stack
Accessories:  Dragonfly dies, Lots of Labels dies, Brushed Metallic Dots, Dimensionals, Wink of Stella

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Harvest Blessings

Hey y'all!  Did you have a good long weekend?  Ryan had both Friday and Monday off of school, but with the hubs mostly out of commission while we await a surgery date, we just hung out at the house.  I did take Ryan to the pool at the local rec center yesterday though.

I am SO HAPPY that it's Pre-October (a.k.a. September) now.  The temps are still in the 80s but I'm wearing a cozy sweatshirt anyway and today's card is cozy too!

Bringing back some old favorites today!  The stamps, DSP, and most of the inks and cardstock are all retired but that doesn't stop me enjoying them anyway.  Check out the Festive Friday challenge:

I used fruity colors (Lucky Limeade, Raspberry Ripple, More Mustard...okay mustard isn't a fruit but anyway), gingham, scalloped edges, and fruit.  Perfectly Preserved came out when die sets for SU! stamp sets were pretty new, so the dies are a lot simpler than what we get nowadays but it is still one of my favorite bundles ever.  I also busted out the Stitched So Sweetly dies for the nice scalloped edge.

Next up is As You See It:

And believe it or not, this was my time:

I went through my Orchard Harvest DSP scraps and picked out my pieces (I only had to trim down the mustard gingham pattern after I started the timer, I used the others as they were) and got all the stamps and ink pads lined up and ready to go before I started the timer.  After I finished and stopped the timer, I thought my card needed something else, so I added some long-retired Candy Dots:

The sentiment is stamped in Island Indigo so I wanted to bring more of that color in.  What do you think, dots or no dots?  Even if I add an extra minute to the timer to get the dots on there, I'm still well under 10 minutes.  Speedy McSpeederson here.

Time to get Ryan off to school even if he's complaining about it.  And then we're having a contractor come out here to start ripping out the floor in our shower, hooray!  Can't wait to have that replaced.  Have a good day, peeps.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Perfectly Preserved, Country Home
Ink:  Raspberry Ripple, Lucky Limeade, Island Indigo, Early Espresso
Paper:  Lucky Limeade, Thick Very Vanilla, Orchard Harvest DSP
Accessories:  Cannery dies, Stitched So Sweetly dies, Dimensionals, Island Indigo Candy Dots

Monday, September 2, 2024

Wilkommen in Deutschland

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Hope you have a good day off for Labor Day.  Today's scrapbook layout is from our arrival in Germany at the end of August 2020:

This is a mishmash of pictures from the first couple of weeks that we were in Germany, when we were staying in a hotel suite and looking for a house.  Also we were locked in there for two weeks because of all the Covid restrictions, people from the hubs' work had to buy groceries for us and bring them to us, it was a crazy time.  So all those pics are in the hotel room.

Today's color palette:  Crushed Curry, Tangelo Twist, Azure Afternoon, Pecan Pie, and white.  I really liked Tangelo Twist as an orange and I think I'm almost out of cardstock in that color, at least in the 12x12.  Not sure how much 8.5x11 I might have.  Azure Afternoon and Pecan Pie ended up being great matches for Ryan's bear jammies!

That's it for me today, peeps.  I'm going to do my workout and then most likely do dishes because that never stops.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Taffy Alphabet, Calendar Alphabet & Numbers, Sweets & Treats, All Boxed Up, bear from Whipper Snapper
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Tangelo Twist, Azure Afternoon, Pecan Pie, Stampin' Blends in Pecan Pie, Ivory, Smoky Slate, Mossy Meadow, Pool Party, Pumpkin Pie
Paper:  Crushed Curry, Azure Afternoon, Pecan Pie, Thick Basic White, Tangelo Twist DSP
Accessories:  None

Sunday, September 1, 2024

It's Pumpkin Time!

Happy Pre-October, y'all!  Usually I make a pumpkin coffee cake for the first Sunday breakfast in September, but the hubs spotted some cinnamon rolls in the fridge and asked for those instead and since he's got an unending nasty headache while we await his surgery date, he gets what he wants.

I did get some time this afternoon to play in my craft room and I couldn't let today go by without posting something pumpkin-related.  You should see my outfit, too--I'm Halloween Stitch from head to toe (Stitch from Lilo & Stitch) because I found some Halloween pajama pants at Walmart last week.  I already had the shirt and the socks : )

Anyway, card!

I absolutely adore Pick of the Patch from last year's fall offerings so I had to get it out for the first day of pumpkin season.  I took a few liberties with the Just Add Ink sketch but I promise that's what I started with:

And there's a lovely fall palette at Sunday Stamps:

I used Balmy Blue, Lemon Lolly, Peach Pie, Pumpkin Pie, and Cajun Craze, and added a bit of Pecan Pie for a neutral.

Last up is the theme challenge from Retro Rubber Challenges:

I think a trip to the pumpkin patch falls under the category of the great outdoors, right?  (My idea of camping is a cabin that has indoor plumbing, no tents for me thanks!)  Pick of the Patch is a year old so it's just now entered its retro era.

When Ryan finishes the art he's working on, I think I'll see if he wants to watch a movie with me.  I've been battling a cold all week so sitting on the couch for a bit sounds like a good plan to me.  Cheers!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Pick of the Patch
Ink:  Peach Pie, Lemon Lolly, Pumpkin Pie, Cajun Craze, Pecan Pie
Paper:  Lemon Lolly, Pecan Pie, Thick Basic White, Balmy Blue DSP
Accessories:  Mini Dimensionals, Milky Dots